Chapter Twenty- Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

A counsellor? I'm going to have to talk to a counsellor about my fake r*pe?

Shit! They're going to know I'm lying. They're experts and trained to observe people's actions, behaviour and words, they'll figure it out instantly.

Panic began to fill my body as I tried to think a way out of this. "I don't want to do that. I just need some time, I will tell you everything that happened soon."

The Alpha reached out for me again. "Though I do need to know what happened, it would be good for you to speak to someone professionally, they will be able to help you heal."

Why does he care about me healing? I'm just a random human girl to him!

"I don't get it, why do you care? I...killed your cousin. Why do you want to help me 'heal?'"

My words had the Alpha removing his hands from me and I felt cold all of a sudden. I wasn't the only one that felt cold, the look on the Alpha's face was cool and blank.

"You will be speaking to a counsellor. End of discussion."

I wanted to say something back but I couldn't forget that this is Alpha Alessandro. Though everything about him recently has completely left me baffled I couldn't ignore the fact that he was an Alpha, a dangerous Alpha and I would be wise to listen to him and not piss him off.

For whatever reason that I couldn't figure out and he wouldn't disclose, he was being very merciful and compassionate and it's better to have him like this than have him angry and wanting revenge.

"Can I go now?" My voice mirrored the tiredness I was feeling. It had been a long day both physically and mentally and I needed time to process it all.

"Yes. Do not leave your room."

Just as I was about to leave the room I turned back to the Alpha who was looking out of his window. "Thank you." I whispered causing him to instantly whip around and face me.

For not killing me, I mentally added.

The Alpha said nothing as he continued to stare at me with a strange look.

"Uh, I'm going to go now." I muttered as I opened the door. I kept my head down and headed straight for the room I was forced to stay in.

The other people in the house ignored me as they usually did and once I got into the room and closed the door I let out a huge sigh of relief.

I'm still alive!

Kicking my shoes off, I jumped into bed not caring that I hadn't changed from our trip to Saddleworth Moors and closed my eyes.

Through my closed eyes a tear managed to sneak out and slide down my cheek. It had been a long and eventful day and everything was finally starting to sink in. Miles was dead, he was actually dead. No one deserves to die- well the Alpha's cousin did but he did something completely horrendous- Miles on the other hand didn't. He shouldn't have messed around with us, stalked or threatened us but that didn't mean he deserved to die. I don't think he actually would have told anyone, he only did because the Alpha found out and he had no choice.

The Alpha was...strange. I wasn't sure how else I could describe him. At first he was so eager to find out what happened to his cousin and did everything in his power to do so and now that he has, he doesn't want revenge. I remember one of my first encounters with him, he was aggressive and petrifying and he still is, he killed Miles like it was nothing and didn't even flinch, but earlier I saw a different side of him, a side I was utterly confused about.

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