Chapter Forty Five

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Chapter Forty-Five

Alpha Alessandro furrowed his eyebrows. "The truth?"

"Yes." I whispered as I tamed down the fear that was building up inside me. "The truth."

"Go on." Alpha Alessandro motioned with his hand for me to continue.

"I..I...We-" I knew what I wanted to say but the words weren't leaving my mouth.

Frustration and annoyance filled the Alpha's face. "I do not care to hear the details of that night."

I shook my head. "It's.. it's not the details. It's what actually happened."

"And what actually happened?"

Words refused to escape my lips again and I knew the Alpha's patience was wearing thin.

"Go back to your room human."

He couldn't dismiss me like this, I had to tell him the truth. "Wait!"

"I have been waiting and all you have been doing is stuttering like a scared child."

"Just give me a minute, please." I begged him. "It's important."

The Alpha let out a sigh as if I had asked him to do something incredibly tiresome. Having a quick glance at his phone he walked over to his desk and sat on the chair behind it. "You have five minutes."

Five minutes. I had five minutes to get the horrible words out of my mouth. Maybe this was a mistake? That's why the words weren't escaping me, maybe this was my body's way of saying shut the hell up?

No. I had to tell him the truth. Every though I didn't deserve it both him and Teresa were going to defend me and the least I could do was tell them the truth.

What if they don't believe it?

I shook the thought away from my head. They would believe it, why would I lie now? It wasn't like the truth was very different from what the Alpha believed. The rapist did assault someone and that same someone killed him, only different is that it wasn't me it happened to it was Cami.

That was actually worse, Cami's underage, she's a child. If they were willing to keep my secret and sort of protect me they should be willing to do the same for Cami.

"Two minutes." The Alpha loud and deep voice cut through my thoughts and I turned to look at him.

He was looking at me and though his face showed he was bored his eyes told a different story. He wanted to know what I had to say, he wanted to know exactly what happened that night.

As I stared at him a realisation came into my head, I trusted him. I trusted that he would not only keep me alive but keep Cami alive too. It was a strange realisation and my heart believed it completely, it wanted me to see that I could trust him and he would keep me safe.

"You have to understand that I didn't actually lie to you." I began to say quietly. I didn't, I started to say the truth and he made his own conclusions.

Alpha Alessandro didn't respond or even move an inch and I had no idea if that was a good sign or not. Nevertheless I knew I had to continue and I took in a couple of deep breaths to calm myself down and draw in the courage to do this.

"I was at university when I received a call from Cami, she was distraught, crying so loudly and hysterically that it was hard to make out what happened. I knew something was wrong and that I had to go home."

I paused to look at the Alpha who was staring back at me with no expression on his face.

"When I got home Cami was in the kitchen and she was scared, crying and her clothes were torn apart." The Alpha stood up as soon as I finished the sentence causing me to take a step back instinctively.

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