Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Every single fibre in my body was telling me to run. They were screaming at me. Run Nala, run!

I wanted to run, I needed to run but I had nowhere to go.

I knew he knew what we did but what I didn't know is how he knew where the body was buried. Did he believe Miles and go to Saddleworth Moors or did he already know before Miles told him?

The Alpha was looking at me expectantly and I didn't know what to say.

Do I deny it and pretend I have no idea what he is talking about or should I tell him the truth? Well the edited version of the truth.

"What? I don't know what's going on." My voice was barely above a whisper but he heard me clearly.

His grip on me tightened slightly. "Stop lying. If you tell me the truth now, I'll be lenient."

Should I do it? Should I tell him what happened?

My throat began to close up as I stared back at him. My vision blurred slightly as I built up the courage to tell him the truth.

"I-I...what will you do to me?"

He released the back of my neck and cupped my face, his touch was soft and surprisingly comforting. "I won't kill you." He paused before muttering something else, it was so quiet and I don't think he intended for me to hear but I did. "I don't think I can."

He couldn't kill me?

I should have been rejoicing after hearing that, I would get to live but instead I was filled with confusion. What did he mean by that? Was his plan for me going to be worse than death?

I needed time to think this though. This wasn't just about me, I had to think about how it would impact Cami as well.

"If I tell you the truth do you promise not to hurt Cami?"

The Alpha raised his eyebrows. "No."

"She didn't do anything wrong!"

"But you did?"

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. I was stuck, there was no way out of it and the best I could do was make sure no one else gets caught in this mess.

"I'll tell you what happened." I said once I opened my eyes.

The Alpha nodded but held onto my face. "Tell me what happened."

This was it, I was going to tell him what happened.

"I know he was your cousin and you probably loved him but he wasn't a good man."

The Alpha's eyes and face was expressionless. "I know."

"No you don't. He was...he did something evil. Something unforgiveable."

"What did he do?"

My mind went back to that fateful day and I watched it replay all over again in my head. My heart began to accelerate when I remembered Cami's frantic phone call and walking into the house. My body was hot and my palms were clammy.

It was out of a horror movie, there was so much blood and Cami was huddled in a corner holding a bloody knife.

"Nala, what did he do?"

I couldn't respond, my mind was too busy showing me what happened that day.

Her clothes were barely on her, they were torn apart and she looked so scared. She looked so small and so scared.

"Tell me what he did."

There was a man lying on our kitchen floor, his shirt was covered in a red liquid and his trousers were around his ankle.

"Nala tell me what he did." The Alpha was getting impatient and angry.

I hadn't asked her what happened at that point, I couldn't even though I had an idea. I didn't want her to confirm it just yet, once she did everything would change.

She looked so helpless and broken.

"What did he do!"

Maybe I could have stopped it? Instead of doing work in the library I could have done it at home, I could have prevented all of this.

"What did he do!"

"He was a rapist!" My words came as a loud scream. "He raped h..."

I couldn't continue as the rest of the words got caught in my throat, tears were streaming down my face and my chin was hurting from how tightly the Alpha was holding it.

Looking up at him I pleaded for him to understand. "It was self-defence."

Alpha Alessandro released me and took a step back. He face was contorted in anger, his eyes were dark and his body was hunched over.

I took a step back too, scared that he was going to lash out at me.

The Alpha let out a ferocious roar and I took another step back, stumbling over my own feet.

He raised his fist and I closed my eyes waiting for the pain to hit me. A loud thud beside me had my eyes swinging back open again. A huge fist sized hole was on the wall and I gasped as he punched the wall again.

If he can do that to a solid wall, what the hell would he do to my head? I had to get out of there!

Maybe I could sneak out while he continued to punch the wall?

"That bastard!" The Alpha snarled as he began to destroy his beautiful office.


Did he just say, 'that bastard'?

Was he angry at his cousin? I hadn't anticipated this reaction, I had thought he would side with his cousin no matter what.

Hope began to blossom inside me as I thought about him letting me go. Maybe once I fully explained what happened he would understand our actions? We had no choice, Cami had no choice. It was the only way to get him to stop.

Tears of happiness welled up in my eyes as I pictured this disastrous situation ending soon and finally becoming free. We could move on with our life and start the healing process.

I must have made a noise because the Alpha stopped thrashing his office and turned to look at me. He began to walk towards me and I forced myself to remain still.

I flinched slightly as he wiped the tears from my cheeks. "Don't be scared."

"It was self-defence." I began to say but the Alpha cut me off.

"If the bastard was still alive I would have killed him for touching you."


"What?" I frowned in confusion unsure of what he just said.

"No one will ever hurt you again."


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter 

What do you think of Alpha Alessandro's reaction? Do you think Nala will or should tell him the truth? 

Let me know what you think is going to happen next

I will upload again in a few days but you can read ahead on 

Thank you to everyone who reads, comments and votes. I really appreciate the support :) 

-Kayy xx

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