Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chapter Thirty-Three

For a few seconds there was silence, a stifling and overbearing silence. No one uttered a word, no one moved an inch. It was as if time had frozen. The one thing I knew that definitely was frozen was me. I was no longer on the ground gasping greedily for air, I was subdued and meek.

My body recognised the danger I was in, before it was clinging to life, gasping for air and vibrating with fear, this time it was vibrating with adrenaline. I was frozen but I knew what I had to do, my mind and heart were screaming one word at me.


Whatever reasons the Alpha had for not killing me would not matter to his cousin, that was her brother, her family and supposedly I had destroyed. While the Alpha may have believed what an evil monster his cousin was I highly doubt Teresa would agree. Stephanie said they were close and had a good relationship so I'm sure nothing I say will convince her that he was anything but a good man.


That one word had me standing up and ready to leave. I knew I wouldn't be able to outrun her, but maybe if the Alpha distracted her I could get a head start. He must have read my mind because the Alpha grabbed my hand in a successful attempt to stop me from moving. His grip was punishing like I expected it to be but it was tight and secure.

"Alessandro." Teresa said again, this time coming closer towards her. Her eyes drifted down to our hands and stayed there for a brief second before she looked up again. "Where is Harlan?"

The Alpha didn't answer her, maybe it was wishful thinking but I was hoping he was using this time to come up with a believable answer to explain what he said. I was praying silently that he wouldn't hand me over. I had no doubt that Teresa would have anything but mercy for me once she finds out that the Alpha believed I had killed him.

"The human girl, she did something didn't she?" Teresa voice was filled with frustration and anger. "Why are you not saying anything?"

"You are not to touch her." Is the first thing the Alpha said to his cousin which wasn't such a good idea as it seemed to only infuriate her further.

"Why?" She snarled, coming closer. "Why are you so interested in her?"

I would like to know the answer to that question too!

I understood at first why he kept both Cami and I here, he believed we had something to do with his cousin's disappearance but he wasn't too sure. That made sense to me but this didn't. I'm extremely grateful that he didn't kill me and I don't think he will end my life for 'killing' his cousin- perhaps he might do for other things as he seems to have a terrible temper but why was he keeping me here?

He wasn't going to punish me for what happened to his cousins, the reasons were still undisclosed, so why was he keeping the woman he believed ended his cousin's life here with him where he would see me every day and be reminded of it?

He must believe his cousin was an evil rapist monster or else I wouldn't be alive, however, I knew he must have loved his cousin or else why would he have gone searching for him when he disappeared? He sent Beta Kieran first to look into it before he joined in, he was desperate to find him too. He wanted his cousin back.

Most of the things the Alpha said or did made no sense to me.

"Who is she to you?" Teresa's voice was more softer now and this time it was what she said that made no sense to me.

What did she mean by 'who is she to you?' I'm obviously his prisoner, his captive.

That question clearly made sense to the Alpha because his whole stance changed. "She is nothing to me."

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