Chapter 26

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I had next to no sleep that night, my brain would not stop spinning, all different scenarios and horrible ways this could all go wrong. I was cuddled into my mates embrace the only solace I could find, at least I knew I was always safe here.

Epiales was buzzing as well making sleep a distant memory. He was beyond excited to have his own form and not be trapped within mine, I was excited for him and also to be able to not fear the third shift I had developed, I was sure it would leave when he did. I could feel and hear the little murmurs of his soul speaking within itself I couldn't make out the words, but I could feel the excitement it was bringing him.

I watched as the curtains brought subtle light into the room, gracing each inky corner with a light embrace of golden hue. The mages would return very soon, and I was exhausted, I was positive I should not be going into a magical ritual as tired as I was, but I could not help that at this point.

Child, fear not this will be easy with me here I will not let harm come to either of us. Epiales said through our link, comforting me slightly knowing I had him and my mate on my side I hoped nothing bad would happen.

The waiting was almost unbearable not knowing when the mages would return and knowing they were returning with a corpse as well. we still had next to no information on said corpse. We knew it was a trespasser and was covered in magical chains. It was not a shifter like us nor a mage. They were the only two species I had encountered so I was very curious about what this creature was.

I decided there was no reason to stay in bed any longer and would begin the food prep for my family. I wiggled my way out of Thatchers arms, used the restroom and made my way to the kitchen. I was almost finished making pancakes when I heard the distinct patter of little feet and paws. My children stumbled their way into the kitchen wiping their eyes and yawning.

"Breakfast ma?" Zar questioned taking his seat at the table.

"Coming up sweetie," I said placing the last pancake on the plates before giving them to each child. "Today Alpha and I have to look after some things, so you'll be going to nan and pops for the day how does that sound?"

I was greeted with squeals of joy and a very lengthy cackle. The kids loved going there because they were spoiled rotten. Thatchers parents always had something new for them and spent every second bending to their every whim. I would be taking them there after breakfast so we were prepared for when the mages would return.

After breakfast was over and I had cleaned up I got the kids ready and walked them over to my mates' parents. They were overjoyed to see my kids and said they will look after them until I can come get them back. The walk back to the alpha suite, was when the anxiety started to eat away at my insides, my breath was coming out in pants and I could tell I was having somewhat of a mini anxiety attack. I tried to calm my breathing and focus on other things, but I was honestly really scared.

"Baby? You, okay?" Thatcher's voice came from our area, I could tell he was moving towards me and every step he took I felt a little safer, but I was still freaking out pretty badly. "Oh Cas, come here." Thatcher said opening his arms. I walked straight into them.

"Talk to me baby, I'm always here for you."

"I'm not sure what's happening I just got really scared about what's going to happen later today when the mages return." My pants had lessened, and I was breathing more normally but I was still shaking and being crushed by Thatchers arms. The deep pressure stimulation calming me down so I openly welcomed it.

"We can cancel it if it's overwhelming you dear. I won't put you in that situation. This is all up to you." He gently kissed my forehead.

"What if something goes wrong Thatch?" I whispered finally voicing my fears. "I want to do this for Epiales but I'm so scared."

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