Chapter 28

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A.N a short filler chapter, sorry about that hope you enjoy it let me know x

Epiales P.O.V

I had a body. I barely knew how to use it but I had one. It wasn't exactly what I was expecting. I was expecting a form a bit bigger to hold all of my magic but this body was quite small, much smaller than my original form. It was however just as pale, the shadows that swam around my limbs making it seem almost translucent, but it was a body and it was mine. I had forgotten how heavy a corporal form was, it was different from inhabiting Casius's, this one was strictly mine so it would have to do. I was stuck on the getting up bit the limbs seemed to refuse to do my bidding even as the shadows attempting to help by pushing me up themselves, I could tell they had missed me in this realm as I did. I had spent a while trying to move it and so far had only succeeding in sitting up and being able to hold myself up and even that didn't come without trial and error. It was quite embarrassing to struggle with this when I knew it shouldn't be this difficult. I chalked it up to the ritual taking the strength from this vessel.

I looked over and saw that Cas was now awake, his mate floundering all over him like a love sick puppy. It was truly disgusting how weak this alpha was. I couldn't believe how far the once mighty race of werewolves had fallen if this man was considered a great leader. However I cared for Cas in a strange kind of way, he was a pure child and if that overgrown mutt made him happy so be it. The time I had spent inside the hyena's body taught me that he truly cared for those around him and that wasn't something I had seen much of when I had once walked this earth. I would consider Casius an ally and that was something that had taken a while for me to come to terms with. I would seriously torture anyone who attemtpted to hurt him in any way.

The feelings were returning to my limbs and the body was starting to listen to me, I could now flex the fingers and toes and move my arms slightly. It wouldn't be long before I was standing and walking and then I knew what I had to do. I could still feel some old ones in this realm still and I needed to get rid of them for what they had done to me and sent me back to the numbing pits of chaos. I would rid this world of those who had wronged me and then finally rest in peace.

"Epiales?" I heard the little hyena call from across our ritual place. "Is it true? Do you really have your own body now?" The tears in his eyes caused me a sense of discomfort.

"Yes" I called back brokenly, the vocal cords still warming up it seemed. The voice I now had was soft but deep. It sounded like the dark night, there but mysterious.

"We did it" I heard him whisper and the smile he gave his mate was blinding. My soul bristled for an unknown reason but I focused back on the task at hand and not long after I was standing and fumbling around like a newly born foal. A couple of near falls and some not so hidden chuckles from the mutt and I was walking like a proper person again.

Cas was up and moving now albeit slowly and with help from his mate. As I walked I could feel the power returning to my body and could see the shadows of the now darkening twilight reaching for me. It caused a smile to come to my lips. The shadows that danced around my form gave me whispers of welcome. The oncoming night brought even more power to my being. I was strongest at night time when the shadows were at their greatest. I had a plethora of powers as an old being, many in this world seemed to have forgotten.

I however was not sure where to go from here, I would need to set up a base camp and perhaps connect some of my old allies to see if they were still kicking along with a few beings who had owed me a favour and if not them surly their bloodline when one made a bargain to me it was not simply forgotten. I would need to send out my shadows to do some renaissance missions and report back to me. I could ask to remain with Cas but the further I got from causing him harm the better.

"Epiales? Are you coming with us back to the house?" Cas's voice interrupted my mental calculations of my next stop. His mate looked down at him shock written on his face

"Baby?" Thatcher rumbled, "You've done enough for him he does not need to come back to the house my love, he can go find somewhere else to exist now that he's out of you." The last bit was growling which caused my lips to twitch happily.

"But Thatch, he's all alone and you saw how fragile he looked we can't just leave him out here please alpha just for a few nights can't he just stay here with us till he gets his bearings and is better?" he was giving his mate the puppy dog look, his lip pouting and even i felt something to that face.

"Fine Cas one night then he's gone." Thatcher said, looking away after kissing his mate's forehead.

I could feel his glare upon me but I was ignoring him, he wasn't my alpha and I would be sure to put him in his place again if he ever attempted to subdue me. Being able to be in this place even for one night would allow me to meditate and connect to this realm once again and send my shadows out. I sent a quick whisper to them instructing some to go and find the allies I need at the moment and they were all but too willing like puppies falling to follow my bidding.

"Cmon Epi, it's nearly dinner time and I miss my children. You can join the pack for dinner and then retire and we can work on a plan for you tomorrow." Cas's smile was bright and shone through the knoll we were on. Shocked he had called me Epi no one called me that. I couldn't help but nod and follow the loving pair back to their pack house. Of course I already knew where everything was from seeing it during my time inhabiting the hyenas body.

On the walk back to the pack I received many strange looks and good hear the whispers about the newcomer to the pack but I chose not to strangle them all and continue walking I did not want to abuse Cas's kindness hoping we could remain as allies, if he weren't here I may have flattened this pack and caused some real damage but i wouldn't do that to him. There was a sick excitement that ran through me at that thought. I could finally deal some real damage once more, I could feel my power and energy stock was almost fully recovered. My enemies best watch out. Epiales was here once again with his own body and heads would most definitely roll and be sent back to Chaos.

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