Chapter 16

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(Cas's POV)

When I opened my eyes all I could see was darkness, it surrounded me licking softly at the edges of my body and consciousness. It was a deep black, not one that is easily seen through it was like my eyes were closed and there was something over them, but they were definitely open. I tried to move around and see where I was because all I remember was the large mans table and him taking more blood, but this didn't feel like the cell I was in. There was sound there whereas all I could hear here was my own heart beating and my breathing.

I attempted to call out, but my voice just echoed back at me, I was lost and confused a feeling that was becoming my regular apparently. I attempted to move but it felt like I was getting nowhere due to not being able to see anything around me. I stayed alone in the darkness for what felt like hours just sitting in this endless time space before I began to become frustrated. If I were in the cell, I would feel the ground beneath me but I couldn't it was like I was suspended in the air but there was no rope on my body to hold me up.

The darkness was warm and almost inviting, it was lulling me into a sleepy state which was quickly ebbing the anger that was attempting to push through, I was beginning to drift off when I heard something from within the black abyss I was in. It sounded like footsteps coming towards me but not in a regular way it was almost as if the person was trying to conceal their steps or walked so softly if it weren't for the insane silence you would never though they are there. I tried to twist and turn to move away somehow anxiety creeping up my spine and constricting my breathing for no reason other than the unknown.

Fear not child.

A deep voice resonated within my head, it scared and comforted me at the same time, it was nice to hear someone else but it was terrifying that it was both inside my head and I had never heard the voice before now. The voice was deep and smooth it felt like it was caressing my brain in the softest of ways which in itself was a new feeling that I never wanted to experience again

Before I could respond I felt what seemed to be fur beside me, I looked down momentarily distracted but was comforted by what I saw. My animal soul was curling its way around my lower half as if providing me with a friend at this moment. I came to realise I mustn't be on the earthly plain of existence currently if I can be with my animal soul, I'm either deep within my head or somewhere new entirely. The mohawk of my hyena was brushing against me suggesting I wasn't wearing anything but when I tried to look down there was gain nothing but the black inkiness that surrounded me.

I wasn't sure what all this meant but I suppose it didn't matter right now, there was the possibility that this was the end for me? Perhaps this was my journey to the afterlife and the voice I was hearing were my ancestors telling me not to worry that my fight was over. It saddened me that I may not ever see my kids again and of course Thatcher, I would miss him so much. My eyes were becoming misty and I could feel slight hiccups and sobs climbing up my throat.

Child, why are you leaking from your eyes?

I had forgotten about the strange voice, my animal side cackled and began to pace around my legs faster and faster as if sensing something I couldn't.

"Who is there?" I asked my voice coming out much stronger than I felt.

Child, things have changed within you and therefore I have come to explain to you our new existence.

I contemplated these words for a while, honestly a little lost about what they could mean until I remembered the words of the doctor and everything seemed to be a little clearer. I was different now he had made it clear I was different he had somehow changed me and my shifting, I believe he called it a half shift whatever that means.

You are different now, we have become one and you have become something new all at the same time, something greater.

The voice now sounded as though it was both inside me and directly in front of me I could feel the breath on my face but still could not see the person, how was I able to see my animal half but not my body or this voice, this place was so confusing.

"Please I don't understand, explain it to me?" I begged of the voice to clear away the confusion in my head.

Everything will come clear in time but know child I have existed longer than any living creature, so long I no longer am able to have another form until yours was opened up to me, we are one now. I will show myself again soon don't be afraid. Now go back your mate is worried.

I attempted to speak but felt like I was jolted back into a hard surface, my back hit a vertical area of solid material, which felt like a bag of brick was thrusted upon my body after the black area. My eyes were closed but this time there was a light behind them this time. My eyes felt like they were glued shut and my throat felt like I had been swallowing razorblades, but the most splitting headache was pounding its way throughout my entire skull currently.

"He moved!!! Doctor I know he did! Please come see to him. C'mon baby wake up for me let me see those deep earthy eyes"

The voice was familiar, but I could not think of who it may have been right now, I could feel someone trying to push into our mind link, but I wasn't able to bring my walls down currently. My mind was still reeling from the place I had just returned from and the edges of my consciousness were fuzzy. The voice continued to encourage me to open my eyes and look at them so after some time I began to try and open them, which was a whole new task in itself.

After many attempts I was able to finally open my eyes and was greeted not so kindly with a bright light directly overhead. I reclosed said eyes and waited for a second then tried again this time It was more bearable, and I tried to turn my head to look around. I was in a pristine white room with big machines all around me, the thing that took up the most space in the room was the other bed that was currently occupied by my cubs all staring at me. My mate was on the side of my bed talking frantically to an older woman before he seemed to notice I was once again conscious and here.

"Baby!" he immediately reattached himself to my hand. "Are you okay? How are you feeling? I was so worried about you." He leant over and kissed my forehead before looking directly into my eyes that were shinning with love and worry.

I wonder if he would still love me if he knew all the things that had happened and changed to me. Fear struck directly into my soul, I have no choice but to wait and see.

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