Chapter 5.

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As the door opened all the chattering stopped, the footsteps stopped as the house seemed to stand still. I looked up to Thatcher hoping for some explanation.

"They can smell you, you're new it's to be expected little one." He explained walking through the threshold of the house. As I did the was a fissure of something, I wasn't sure about the pups gathered closer to be as I hunched down to reassure them.

The inside of the house was covered in more wood and had very high ceilings, to my left was an entry way to the dining room I guessed as I could smell the food coming from there and so could the cubs. To my right was a long staircase I believe their called. I've never seen any of this before and feel very out of depth with everything.

We continue into the food smelling area and are greeted with several groups of people all staring at us. I quickly sniffed the area and was assaulted with an array of different creature smells. I could identify several predators alongside a spicy scent I've never smelt before that caused me to laugh very nervously. That didn't bode well however with several of the human form creatures curling their lips in distaste. They mustn't have smelt that I am a hyena because it's a force of habit I can't not cackle in certain situations, as well as I have a very active animal soul that speaks through our mouth very often.

"Everyone, this is Casius, he is the newest member of our pack along with his children he is also my mate and you will treat him as such." Thatchers voice boomed and echoed throughout the enclosed space.

Within seconds there was a mess of cheers and calls of happiness at the fact their alpha had found his mate but also their were whispers that I could hear about how dare I already have so many children and not with my mate no less. I felt like I was under attack and that caused my skin to shed and I turned back into my true form. The children preferred this as they rubbed up against my fur.

There was more chatter and remarks after seeing my shift. Hyenas are one of the more traditional clans in the shifter community, they are probably thinking that that should have meant I would have waited for my mate before producing offspring. My mate seems to just stare down them all and a slight growl comes from deep within his being making the pack quieten and my mind to become louder.

I move slightly so I'm touching my children and my mate, and he places his large warm hand on my head,

"Casius is your luna, show some respect or you will have me to deal with." His wolf speaks from within him you know because his eyes flashed, and his voice is deeper. His wolf must have felt disrespected and challenged when his pack mates didn't respect him or me?

"Yes Alpha." Was chorused back.

A much smaller human form came out with several plates of food and set them in front of the cubs who immediately ran and began eating all that was on the plates in front of them. Blood, bone and all in true hyena fashion.

"I asked one of the cooks to bring out food for the children and yourself here" Thatcher gestured to another plate full of more rich food then I've seen in many moons I cackled in thanks before stepping forward to eat after receiving the nod of approval from Thatcher.

I knew in some packs it was deemed disrespectful to not eat with or before the alpha and I hadn't seen him eat. I will have to learn all of the rules of this pack and teach them to the kids.

After we finished eating the room was clear of life from the pack members leaving and I was licking the remains from the children.

"We can just bathe them?" Thatcher said.

I cocked my head not knowing how else to bathe them. I was doing it the only way we were taught unless there was a waterhole nearby.

Sensing my confusion thatcher sighs and begins to explain that they have a whole room in this house, several in fact dedicated to cleaning one's self where water comes from underground into a large bath and you clean yourself there.

I nod and gesture him to show me the way wishing to accommodate myself with the human way. I grab the youngest Aria as I've named here in my mouth and ask the two slightly bigger kids to follow me as we in turn follow alpha up the stairs which was difficult and through a blue door.

"This is the Alpha suite bathroom only I am allowed to use it okay? And now you also." He smiles down at me making my insides warm up. I nod and shift back thinking this would be easier, and I need to learn to live in my human form.

"Thank you, alpha." I bow my head slightly before a slight growl erupts from the taller man in front of me

"Thatcher. Not alpha, not to you." He turns and plays with some nozzles as I gather three sleepy babies into my arms and wait, not long after a stream of water flows through what he calls a tap it was magic. "You can hop in know I'll leave you to it."

"No leave, please." I ask as I step over the white tub and sit down in the very warm water not too deep, so the cubs are safe and splashing around. The water is already a brownish colour all the dirt coming off them and down the drain as I suppose thatcher thought this was going to happen.

"Are you sure?" thatcher asks averting his eyes from my naked form.

"Please, safe." I try to explain with all the new things I've seen and heard the last day I need him to stay in case something goes wrong. He agrees and sits next to the tub and begins to scrub the cub I haven't thought a name for yet even though his day is upon us in very little time. Him and Aria are from the same litter so its to be expected they change in quick succession of each other. I wonder if thatcher will name him or have some ideas.

"Can Zar shift too?" I ask pointing at the largest of the children after hearing him ask to splash with hands, through the family bond we had created.

"Oh, is that his name? of course all of you are welcome to shift anytime." Aria is too busy chewing on his fingers that were previously scratching her to pay any attention even though she can't shift yet but after bone popping sound there is a very dirty naked 5-year-old splashing in the bath. His happy squeals and laughter bring a big smile to my face and I can't help but splash him back now that the tub is filling up.

After a little while of fun I scrub each of the cubs and make sure there all clean before handing them to my mate who is holding what he calls a towel and dries them. I quickly finish up myself and scrub my body and hair that are filthy and then get out of the tub falling as I do so. What I expect to be a slap in the face by the floor is too large arms wrapped around me and quiet laughter that is distinctly not hyena like.

"Careful, you aren't too used to those human legs huh? That's alright let's get you dry and then I'll show you where you'll be sleeping. We can talk about everything tomorrow yeah?"

He led us to a giant area of the upstairs area with a big soft looking place in the middle of the room which he explained was called a bed. Zar immediately ran to it and jumped on it squealing out his enjoyment of the new luxury. I carry myself and the two other cubs and gently get us settled on the soft bed. It was so much nicer than the plains we were used too. No hard rocks or predators lurking just a cool, dry place to sleep and actually maybe sleep for once for me.

"Alright goodnight, I'm just across the hall if you need anything, I'll come get you in the morning." He bids farewell and exits, leaving the door slightly open. I change back into my hyena form still more comfortable that way. Zar changes too and we curl up on the plush bed and I finally sleep.

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