Chapter 11

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As it turns out the very next day, I was to be meeting the majority of the pack, several members were out mate hunting or not able to come on such short notice, so I was to meet them at a later date.

It was nearing midday and the meeting or rather party was set for sundown. I was just hanging out with the mothers. My cubs were playing with the other cubs of their age groups and I was happy that none of them especially my little man was being left out. Aria was turning out to be quite the matriarch of her age group, she was a little bossy, but the others of her age didn't seem to mind.

"Casius? Can I speak to you for a minute?" came a voice from the doorway, I looked up and could see the face of the beta Jace he was standing looking at the ground in clear thought and looked as though he needed help. I nodded and said to the two other mothers I'll be back, and they agreed to watch out for my cubs while I stepped out.

"What's up?" I questioned.

"I was wondering if I could have some advice? I would ask alpha but this is a sensitive topic so I thought maybe, because you're the luna or the luna in training or sorry the alphas mate you could help?" it was clear that Jace was nervous with all his rambling.

"Its fine I get it what can I help you with?" I asked chuckling softly at the blush spreading across his face, Jace and I had spoke several times and I would consider him my closest friend within the pack so far.

"I was just wondering how hard it is for you to raise the cubs. I know they're not your bio kids, but you said once you were the babysitter of your last clan. I was just wondering if you could give us some advice?"

I cocked my head in confusion as to why Jace was asking these questions. I thought on it for a few seconds before it dawned on me I looked down to Jace's stomach in question, which was hidden by, obviously Todd's hoodie. Jace in return nodded his head and I could see the tears gather in his eyes, even though I was a head shorter than him I opened my arms like I would for my child. He immediately ran into them and cried into my shoulder I whispered soothing words in his ear and pet his hair. It made me emotional to see my closest friend in my new home like this.

"It's gonna be okay... having kids is a magical experience, to have someone that reminds you of yours and Todd's love will be a magical experience. Many of the women of my clan had a certain glow about them when they were pregnant, I can't wait personally."

"What if people look at me different? I'm meant to be a beta, Cas" there were several hiccups in his words it was obvious to anyone that this was affecting him but the warmth in his eyes showed hidden excitement.

"You're still a beta Jace, don't ever doubt that. The moon goddess gifted you that and the ability to conceive never doubt your abilities, it takes a strong man to push a child out of them." My words seemed to have an affect on him, he straightened his shoulders and wiped his face, nodding his blonde hair.

"Thank you, Cas, you're the first person I've told, it means a lot for your support. I'm hoping I can come to you if I have any questions and id really like our kids to be friends?" the small boyish smile he gave caused a large smile to come to my face, I nodded and agreed before taking him into my arms again. We broke apart after a few seconds and I bid farewell to him and he said he was off to tell his mother. It meant so much to me that he had come to me first and I was able to help calm some of his nerves.

I returned to the children's' room of the pack house. Zar and Aria were leading a small brigade of tiny tots towards a big game of hide and seek whereas unfortunately my other small cub was sitting in the corner in his hyena form whereas the others were all in there human forms, the only ones still in their animal form were too small to play yet. It made me sad that my child was kind of being left out and I was going to change that I just had to think of a way how.

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