Chapter 17

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I had now been in the hospital for several days, I had gained and lost consciousness multiple times so the days had all blended into one long timeless space. The doctor had informed me I had lost a lot of blood and they were running tests because something didn't seem right, which had stressed out Thatcher. However, I was allowed to go back to my room tonight and sleep with my mates and cubs. I was excited to be around my family again and was regaining my strength more and more every day, I was still weaker than I would like to admit but the doctor said that was to be expected. I was now on my way to my family room and the scent of my cubs was filling me with happiness. I had missed my babies so much and had feared I would die on that table and never see them again, or the chance I would never be able to have my mate's cubs and be with him again. I don't know how long I was with that crazy doctor, but it felt like a lifetime since I was within my mate's arms and surrounded by my babies.

I slowly opened the door and was greeted by the sight of my mate and surrounded by three fluffy bodies all asleep curled into each other on our bed. It was still rather early in the morning, so I wasn't surprised along with the stress my family had been through they deserved to rest a little longer. I headed into the bathroom to take my first proper shower in a long time. I turned the water onto as hot as I could handle, stripped and then hopped into the shower sighing at the inviting water that was cleaning my body of all the dirt that had been on it. I was unsure if I would ever feel clean again after all that I had been through, I felt dirty on the inside and there seemed to be no way to scrub that dirt from my body but I kept trying, my skin had taken a pinkish hue under its natural colour. I take the time to clean my mess of a hair until its once again clean and no longer knotting at the back of my skull. After cleaning my body, I decided it was time to exit the shower no matter how unclean I felt on the inside. I wrap my body in the softest towel I could find and stare at myself in the mirror in front of me.

I didn't look like me. I was thinner than I had ever been, my ribs were poking out and my skin was no longer healthy looking along with the light diminishing from my eyes. I looked like a dead version of myself and it scared me. I felt like I had been dissected and put back together again but put back in the wrong way like my skin and body were no longer my own. That doctor had changed something within me I knew that for sure I am unable to pinpoint exactly where or what has changed but that dark place with the strange voice proved that something is different.

I was still lost about that conversation that had occurred but I decided to worry about that at another time it may have just been a fever dream that my mind created to avoid the horrible things I had been through at the hands of that crazy doctor that had stalked and kidnapped me.

I turned away from the mirror slight tears filling my eyes as I looked down at my body to dry it. It bothered me that someone else had touched my body without my consent and removed and injected me with things. I shook my head to erase the thoughts and exited the bathroom clad in the towel and walk as quietly as possible to Thatchers wardrobe. Looking around I spot a sweater I had seen my mate wear and was still drenched in his scent, so I slip that on, and it falls to close to my knees. I also put on some underwear that thatcher had bought me when I first joined the pack before leaving the wardrobe and heading to the bed that held my family. I gently crawl into the bed and snuggle into Thatchers back whilst my pups were in his arms. I tried to get as close as possible to his body heat and pulled the blanket up to my nose, so the scent was filling ever corner of my mind reminding me I wasn't somewhere scary I was with my family and I was safe. I close my eyes for several minutes not quite asleep but not really awake either just laying enjoying some quiet family time.

It wasn't long before I could feel movement on the bed and was greeted with a small fuzzy body going crazy on my back the excitement causing cackles to fill the air which in turn caused the other bodies in the bed to begin to wake. The excitement in the air was palpable. The cackles filled the air and I had no personal space left with all my cubs crawling all over my body and happily nipping the skin they could find. I rolled onto my back and opened my arms that were immediately filled with three wiggling bodies that were very excited to see me if the love and happiness coming through our family link was anything to go by.

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