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20 chapters already? Damn.

Excuse any mistakes!


"I go to work with mommy." I heard Jaydin's voice say from her room.

"Oh yeah, and where does mommy work now?"

I sat up rubbing my eyes, listening more into her conversation.

Checking the time on my phone, it was only 8 AM. Why was she even up so early?

"No dada, mommy no say the work name."

My eyes widened, as I threw on my Victoria Secret slippers heading to Jaydin's room.

Was he here?

I quickly pushed the door open, but seeing no one in her room. Just her on her tablet.

"Mama, dada on the phone!" She smiled, showing her IPad to me. I took it from her hanging up, before bending down to her level.

"When daddy calls you, tell me before you answer. Do you understand?" I looked at her, sternly.

She didn't know any better, so I wasn't upset. She was way too young to understand anyways.

"Okay." She simply nodded, and I picked her up placing her on my hip.

"Come on let's get ready so you can come with mommy to work." I said.

Jaydin began clapping her hands while smiling as I made my way to the bathroom.

"We match mommy?" Jaydin asked, once I laid out both of our outfits, after finishing brushing our teeth and freshening up.

I nodded, "yes we're gonna match today."

"You look like meeeeee?"

"No, I'm older so you look like me." I chuckled, getting her dressed, before doing myself next.

Finally finishing the time was 9:10.

I had to be at the shop by, 10 since my first client was at 10:45, so I had time. But I wanted to be there early.

"Come on, let's go." I grabbed Jaydin's hand as we made our way out of the house.

Locking the door behind me, I placed Jaydin into her car seat, before getting into the car myself.

"Mommy play music?" Jaydin asked.

I turned on the radio, as 'Wild Thoughts' by Rihanna began to play.

I hummed to the words, pulling out of my house driveway and driving to the shop.



The name of the shop, appeared in my view.

Parking, I got out of the car grabbing Jaydin, and made my way inside.

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