Chapter 18- Nerf Guns & Night Time pt. 2

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I don't know how I lost him, but I did

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I don't know how I lost him, but I did.

My mistake was thinking I was safe after that. I heard a shot and immediately ducked on instinct.

Thankfully it was just Natalie and her aim was completely off.

"No Natalie! Girl power, we're supposed to be teaming up."

"Oh, sorry yeah you're right, you're right. Wait, what about Cyrus? He found me first and asked me to team up too," She replied.

"We find him and betray his ass."

Natalie giggled at the thought. "This is so much fun."

"DUCK!" I shouted after seeing Adam down the hall, aiming straight for her back.

She managed to move out the way before he could take a good aim. We both took cover behind a thick pillar of the hall.

"Come out, come out ladies. I just want to give you a present in the shape of a small foam bullet."

"That's very generous of you Adam," I shouted back, "It's so funny how we're on the same wavelength, I got you the same exact thing!"

I ducked and practically crawled my way over behind a different pillar, telling Natalie to stay put. I heard his footsteps getting closer and closer.

"You know she teamed with Cyrus, right? Which, you know to even out the playing field and all, we should be teaming up too. Don't you think Row?" He called out, not knowing I was close ahead.

I appeared from my hiding spot. "You know what you're right," I said, slightly startling him. "We should be teaming up against those sneaky bastards, shouldn't we Adam?"

"Hell yeah, that's what I'm talking about," he lowered his weapon to dap me up, and that's when I threw a wink towards Natalie.

She nodded her head silently from her hiding place.

As if on cue, we heard Cyrus fast approaching right then. He raised his gun at me, apparently not seeing Adam standing a few feet beside me. 

So before Cyrus could release a bullet at me, Adam threw his gun back up and aimed it at Cyrus.

"Not on my teammate you don't." He said to Cyrus who froze with his gun still pointed at me.

That's when Natalie came out of her hiding place and aimed her nerf gun at Adam. I was the last to throw my gun up and now everyone had a weapon pointed at someone else.

We stood there for a tense moment, carefully waiting for someone else to make a move.

"Now Natalie!" and that was all I needed to say before she switched her aim to Cyrus and we started unloading our bullets on the both of them.

"What?!" Cyrus shrieked, "Natalie, how could you? I thought we formed an unbreakable alliance." He started shooting bullets from his own gun, firing at both of us.

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