Chapter 31- New Friend

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Natalie hugged me when she first saw me in school on Monday

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Natalie hugged me when she first saw me in school on Monday.

"Thanks for what you did. You really didn't have to, Row," She said as she pulled away.

"Yes, I did. It felt really good too."

Natalie gave a sad smile at that. "I just wish you didn't have to get in trouble for it. I talked to the principal to try to help you out, but the best they did was give Brooke after-school detention for three days."

I had lunchtime detention which meant I didn't have to see Brooke. That was something to celebrate I suppose.

"No biggie, I don't mind the detention or the grounding, it was worth it."

"You were grounded too?!" She asked, her face shifting to dread.

"Natalie, honestly it's fine. Don't worry about it. I'd do it again if I had to." I told her as she followed me to my locker.

Noise from across the hall caught my attention for a moment. It was just some girl smacking her boyfriend upside the head for scaring her. Then, I saw Duncan on the phone, talking with the same old Duncan scowl that was cemented into his features. I wonder what he thought about his girlfriend being punched in the nose.

"Did um- did Jeremy ever find you?" I asked, suddenly remembering him. I had thought of how pissed off he looked when he went after her. I knew another relationship argument was the last thing she needed, but I knew that was exactly what had gone down.

"Yeah he did," She said flatly. "It was just a misunderstanding on his part, we worked things out." She shrugged it off with a smile and crossed her arms.

"Natalie, does he actually make you happy?" I asked carefully.

She silently looked at me for a second, gathering her thoughts I assume. "He loves me Row. And I love him."

I was about to point out that she didn't exactly answer my question when the boys showed up before I could get the chance to.

"Adam, that is not the use of a Q-tip."

"Says who?"

"Anyone with a working brain."

"Do I wanna know?" I asked, half curious half reluctant to find out.

"Nope," Declan answered my question. "So, what are we doing after school?"

"I'm still grounded and I'm also working tonight."

"That's alright, we'll just swing by the diner," Declan said, as if it were the most obvious answer in the world.

"Yes, I love free food!" Adam exclaimed before I could even respond, but it wasn't like I was going to tell them no anyway.

Later that day when school was over I decided to stop by practice since I didn't have to be at work for another 45 minutes. I brought my camera along to snap some shots of the team for the paper.

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