Chapter 22- Tattletales & Bromances

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I dragged Cyrus to the mall with me that weekend

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I dragged Cyrus to the mall with me that weekend. But these days when I took Cyrus with me, it became a habit to invite Declan, Adam, and Natalie along too.

Natalie had to turn down the invitation to go with us since she was spending time with Jeremy today. So, it was just me and the boys.

Me and the boys. Just the boys. Just Cyrus, and Adam, and the boy that I kisse- I mean Declan. You know, just... the boys.

The thing is, I've had zero alone time with Declan since our kiss. So, it's basically been a game of us two knowing what happened between us, but not yet telling the others about what happened, so acting natural like nothing did happen between us when really it did.

Did that confuse you a little? Yeah, you're not special, I'm confused too. I wasn't worried about it though, I figured we would get a chance to talk about it sometime.

Adam said he had to meet us at the mall since he had some family thing he needed to take care of first. So, it was just me, Cyrus, and Declan.

I had lost rock, paper, scissors for the front seat (insert rolling eye emoji here), so I sat in the back, sitting behind Declan in the passenger seat while Cyrus drove us there.

Declan and Cyrus were talking about soccer things and Coach Clarke and their game coming up. Then Cyrus turned on his stereo and the music was playing the rest of the way there.

It was a warmer day out and the sun was shining brightly, so I adjusted my sunglasses on my face and enjoyed the breeze from the open windows.

Somewhere along the way, Declan poked his hand out from the right side of his seat and held it open.

I knew what he wanted, but I flicked his palm instead.

He shook it off then held his hand open once again. When I didn't take it right away, he waved his fingers, beckoning me to take his hand with my own.

Eventually, I gave in, catching his satisfied look in the side-view mirror as I finally took his hand.


"Put the bra down Adam, people are starting to stare." Cyrus whacked him in the shoulder. He kept grabbing them as we walked by and held them up to his flat chest.

"What if I wore this under my shirt and people thought I had boobs for the whole day. That would really get them to stare, huh?" He said, elbowing Cyrus in the arm.

I had expected Cyrus to scold him more but instead, he gave Adam a goofy laugh that sounded exactly like a Ha Ha. "I bet you wouldn't do it though."

"I would do it for $50 and the purchase of this bra."

"No, you wouldn't, because Cyrus is smarter with his money, aren't you Cyrus?" I asked.

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