Chapter 33- Happy Birthday

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I jolted out of my bed and screamed bloody murder. My legs got caught in my covers as I scrambled to sit up straight and landed my ass on my bedroom floor instead. Very disgracefully I might add.

"Jesus," I croaked out as I vigorously rubbed my eyes. I heard deep chuckles from my dad, and then when I looked around for the first time, there stood my mother holding a cupcake with a candle shoved in the icing.

"Mom?" I asked. "It's a Wednesday, what are you doing here?"

"Obviously I had to take some time off for my favorite daughter's birthday. Happy Birthday!!!! Now wake up."

"Obviously I'm awake now," I groaned then looked at my alarm clock.

"You woke me up a whole hour earlier mother. On my birthday!" I got up from the floor and stuffed myself back into my covers.

"Well, that's the whole point dummy. Your father and I made you a nice breakfast. I found that except-the-bagel seasoning that you like, I mashed some avocados with lemon for your toast, and I cut up your favorite fruits into star shapes."

"Mommy," I cried with my face still stuffed into a pillow, suddenly not in the mood to complain anymore. "That's so sweet of you."

"Yes, I know, now get the hell up. Let's go make some coffee. I understand we have some girl talk to catch up on. Because, apparently when mom's out of town, you decide to sneak boys into your room. Rise and shine, sister!" She turned to talk walk out of the room, her high ponytail bouncing behind her on her back downstairs. "I'm lighting this candle when you get here!"

I lifted my head from my pillow to glare at my dad. "Tattletale."

"Oh, for sure," He said. Then he stepped to the edge of my bed, reached under my covers, grabbed my ankles, and yanked me out of bed.

"Ow, dad!" I hit the floor with a thump for the second time that morning.

"You heard your mother. Rise and shine, sister," He said with his voice switched to high pitch.

I let out a single sob in defeat, finally getting off the floor and getting ready for the day.


My birthday breakfast did include a lecture on boys and a very uncomfortable conversation about safe sex for which I covered my ears and stopped myself from hightailing it out the damn room. Dad was a grump for the entire conversation.

But, I did tell them that Declan was my boyfriend and I promised them to ask permission the next time I decided to sneak a boy into my bedroom. Dad was also a grump for this entire conversation, convinced that I didn't need a boyfriend until I was thirty.

Mom was fine with it as long she could meet him soon.

I decided to dress up a little more for the day, adding blush and some very light eyeshadow to go with my look.

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