Chapter 46- The House

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"You thought you were so fucking smart after what you pulled at that diner huh?"  Giovanni's warm breath fans into my ear as he seethes at me

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"You thought you were so fucking smart after what you pulled at that diner huh?" Giovanni's warm breath fans into my ear as he seethes at me.

"Smart enough apparently." I hate when my mouth does what my mind thinks.

The next thing I knew I was shoved to the ground. My hip slammed onto the floor as I tried to catch myself with my arm.

"Hey-" Adam shouts, stepping forward to help me only to be shoved back a step by some other guy with a gun. I realize then that with Marcel upstairs, there are five of them in total.

I hadn't seen him before, maybe this was Donny that Giovanni talked about. The one who found my picture.

"Who is this kid?" Giovanni asked, noticing Adam's movement.

"One of the friends," says Donny.

Before he can say anything else we all hear something smash upstairs. Giovanni raises his brows in the direction it came from. Then he looks at me. "Brought more friends?"

I don't say anything back, deciding the door was a much better place to put my attention. So I stare ahead.

"Go get them," He tells Donny, "And then get rid of them."

Donny, with his black hair and wrinkles around his eyes, lifts the corner of his mouth in amusement before he takes his gun out and walks towards the staircase.

"No!" I say without even realizing I had opened my mouth. Then I'm up on my feet again and moving to the staircase as well. "Wait, please-"

I don't even make it halfway across before I'm yanked back into a chest.

"Don't worry Rowena, I didn't mean you. You were just in time, you know that? We're skipping town and now you get to come with us." I ignore his words and struggle to pull away.

"DECLAN!" I shout as loud as I could manage. "CYRUS YOU HAVE TO GET OUT!" I didn't care if they had to jump out a god damned window, they had to leave this place before they were killed. Before they were killed because of me.

I threw my head back as hard as I could. I heard the crack of his nose as his grip on me loosened as I managed to free myself.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed before he threw his hands over his nose. "Dom get her to the truck, hurry up."

I feel the warmth from my tears as they begin to stream down my cheeks. When Dominic steps closer to me, I still manage to whip my hand across his face with as much force as I could muster.

It only seemed to have pissed him off and he puts that much force when he grips my arm so hard, I think it might snap. I drop all my weight to the ground before he pulls me away. He's almost dragging me when I bring my foot in front of me and kick him hard in the back of the knee. He stumbles with a loud curse as he loses his grip on me.

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