Chapter 44- Sneaking & Spying

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"Are you okay?" Natalie asked, snapping me out of my thoughts

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"Are you okay?" Natalie asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I was still allowed to show up to our Wednesday meetings for the school paper. Dad allowed it since I was still with a group of people.

I went back to Natalie's question. The truth was that I was feeling annoyed, tense, and restless. But I put on my best smile for Natalie and said, "Yeah, I'm fine."

It was hard to be fine when I've been processing the biggest piece of information that I wasn't allowed to do anything with, all while Lillian was going on and on about something completely fucking useless. Or maybe it had something to with Cyrus, I don't know, I had been tuning her out.

Natalie sensed something was wrong, looking straight through my fake smile.

"You didn't need to show up today Row, I would have handled your part for you."

I let my shoulders sag. "No, I really want to be here. It's better than staying at home doing absolutely nothing." I didn't hide the frustration from my tone.

Dad had no update for me. I knew he was working really hard though, which was the most upsetting thing of all. He's tiring himself out and had nothing useful to show for it.

At first I thought, why doesn't he just knock on their door, have a conversation with them and see if he can see something from the doorway, that would be a probable cause to enter.

But he says there's no guarantee of finding anything that way, and if they found out he knew where they were staying, they would leave town for sure.

If this was stressing me out this much, I could only imagine what dad had been going through. Then, I got angry all over again just thinking about it.

"But then I was like oh my god that wouldn't make sense, and how embarrassing would that be? Ya know?" Lillian's voice cut me from my thoughts once again. I was getting really tired of her damn voice.

"Oh and then that reminds me of Friday's game. Don't you think he did so well? That winning goal was just AMAZING. Like I didn't even-"

"Oh my god, Lillian just shut up. Jesus, you have been talking nonstop since we got here," I burst out.

"I-" She was at a loss for words for the first time today. "I don't understand what your problem is."

"My problem is that I think you are very fucking annoying. Maybe people would actually find you interesting if you had a personality outside of obsessing over Cyrus. Find a hobby Lillian, seriously."

"Row," Natalie whispered. I looked over and she shook her head at me, signaling for me to knock it off.

The others were staring at me. "What?" I asked in defense. "You were all thinking it."

I don't why I said it. I really do not know why I even opened my mouth. I had always known to handle my emotions maturely and I really don't know what the hell made me tell her off like that.

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