Chapter 9: General Speed Run

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I'm sorry for kinda rushing things. I couldn't think of stuff to put in between. Hince the title. The pic above is Allen's claw weapon. No, I did not make this.

*Slaps roof of Allen* This boy can fit so much trauma into it!

Allen's POV:

          Okay, it has been two weeks since I joined the Exorcist elective. I think I'm ready to join the general regimen. I've trained with the teacher, my friends, and my uncles. I can beat everyone in my class. Even my teacher. What's left is for the big test. I have to fight Kanda in order to get into the general regimen. I've been a nervous wreck ever since I heard that. Kanda even called me stupid for even thinking about trying to fight him.

          Time to suck it up! I have to survive Kanda in order to attempt to beat him! "You certainly look determined," Tyki says. "That's because I get to beat Kanda up again!" I exclaim. "Heheh, good luck, boy," Tyki says. 

          We arrive at the general training regimen. I open the door and see Tiedoll? Kanda's father? "Oh, Allen! Good evening! I'm going to be your teacher!" Tiedoll says. "Good evening, Tiedoll." I greet. Tiedoll smiles at me. I look around the room and only see Kanda. He has his hair down today. Weird. They really do mean you have to be the best of the best.

          We enter the room. "Okay, here is how this works. I will be your teacher for only today. I'll teach you everything there is to fighting. Then, a general that is not me will take you in as their apprentice." Tiedoll explains. I nod. "You'll be fighting general Kanda today," Tidoll adds. General Kanda? Wait, did Kanda already pass as a general!? Scary...

          "Tch, get ready for an early funeral," Kanda warns and stands up. I look him in the eye and smile. Kanda looks confused. "Ready your weapon," Kanda says. Not only does he have his hair down, but he's also very calm. Very unusual for the Yu Kanda.

          I put my claw on and take out my sword. Kanda takes his sword out. We get into a fighting stance. "3, 2, 1, Go!" Tiedoll counts down. We instantly clash swords. He's pretty fast, but I'm faster. I beat him in track during PE class. Haha, little loser. 

          Kanda moves back and tries to parry me, but my thick sword blocks it. "Heh, you think you can gut me like a fish? Well, think again!" I shout. Kanda smirks. "I'll slice up anything with the colors of gold and white. Don't look down on me, stupid moyashi." Kanda threatens. 

          Now it's my turn to smirk. I move my leg and trip Kanda. Kanda falls, but before then, he grabs my arm. We go tumbling down together.

Kanda's POV:

          The stupid moyashi tripped me! Pretty smart tactic, but if I fall, I'm bringing him down with me. I hit the floor with my eyes closed. After a second, I open them. Purple-ish silver irises are what I see. My breath hitches. Our faces are so close. Our noses are touching. His hair is touching my face. It's so soft. I look at our position and hide a blush. This asshole is on top of me!

          Gay panic fills me and I kick the moyashi in the groin. The idiot groans and rolls over. I quickly get up and point my glorious katana, Mugen, at Allen's stupidly cute face. "Surrender," I demand. Allen smirks. "N-Never!" He shouts and uses his sword to knock mine out of my hand. 

           He quickly gets up and takes my arm. He shoves me onto the ground, pressing his knee against my back. I smirk. I have newly found respect for this kid. Allen shoves me harder against the floor. Smart kid. "Heh, not too bad. You're the first one to ever even touch me. Color me impressed." I compliment. As a general, I'm going to take Allen under my wing. He seems worthy of being taught by me. 

Allen's POV:

          Did Kanda just compliment me? This has to be a fever dream. "The match is over," Tiedoll says with a cheerful smile. I get off of Kanda and he stands up. He trips me and crushes my chest with his foot. He bends down and says, "I'm going to be your master from now on. You'll be living in hell, moyashi." I smirk. "Glad to be your apprentice," I say.

(Rewritten) You're Saying You Like Me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora