Chapter 23: Komui's Experiment is Cross's Awakening

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Kanda's so pretty. I can't handle it. 

Allen's POV:

          Komui baked me some cookies today. He just wrote a note saying, "Congrats on the new house!" and drew a cute little picture of Kanda and me holding hands. I hung this on my wall.

          I sigh and wait for Kanda to get here. I found a closed-off room with an old piano in it. I want Kanda to hear me play and immediately forfeit all mortal possessions to me. I smirk. It's an amazing plan. I'd serenade him to the point of worshipping me hehe. First, we'll watch a movie, cuddle, and snack on the cookies Komui made me. Then, I'll flex my piano skills.

          There's a knock on my door and I answer it. I open the door and see my beautiful boyfriend. "Yu~ Come cuddle with me on the couch! I want attention!" I say. He smirks and lifts my chin. I blush as we make eye contact. He leans in and we kiss. He breaks the kiss and I pout. I wanted it to last longer. Yu wraps his arm around my waist and picks me up. He carries me to the couch bridal style. Of course, I blush even harder.

          We make it to the couch and he places me on his lap. I wrap my arms around his waist and nuzzle my face into the crook of his neck. He starts petting the top of my head. I feel him reach for the remote and, with a click, the TV starts making noise. I don't even wanna watch anything anymore. I just wanna cuddle with my boyfriend. 

          "Allen, watch this. It's wholesome and I know you'll love it." Yu says. I turn my head and look at the TV screen. It looks like an anime of some sort. It has a cute art style. "What's it called?" I ask. "Boku no Pico," Yu replies. Hmmm, seems intriguing. 


          That was NOT wholesome! That asshole tricked me! He can't stop laughing at me! Stupid prick! "Hmpf! Stupid BaKanda! Just eat some cookies so I don't have to hear your stupid voice!" I shout in embarrassment. This idiot's lucky my adults aren't home. Yu ruffles my hair and takes a cookie. "I don't like sweets, Moyashi," Yu states while looking at it. "Komui made them, but I don't know if they're sweet or not," I inform. "Oh, thanks for telling me. Who knows what that madman laced these with..." Yu mumbles. "He what!?" I shout. "Whenever he makes something, he uses it as an excuse to test something on people. The stupid usagi falls for it every time." Yu informs. Wow, the more you know.

          "Can you test them for me?" I beg with puppy dog eyes. Yu glares at me. "No. The last time I ate something he gave me, my hair turned periwinkle and my skin turned into porcelain." Yu replies. WHAT!? Oh, I need a picture of that! 

          I hear the door open and see that my adults are back. "Welcome back!" I greet. "Ah, my sweet baby! I bought you some new clothes!" Mana informs. "Oh! Thank you!" I say. Mana smiles and goes into my room. "I see you have a friend over." Tyki comments. Oh right, I haven't told them yet. Oops. "Uh, yeah," I say awkwardly. 

          Mana walks out of my room and spots the cookies. "Oh boy, cookies!" Mana says gleefully. He rushes over here and takes one. Oh man, I forgot Mana loves cookies. Yu and I look at each other with knowing looks. "Welp, I guess Mana will be Komui's guinea pig," I say. Three cookies in, Mana stops and looks at me with a confused look. "Komui laced those with something. Prepare to grow cat ears or something." I inform. Mana looks horrified.

         Cross, Tyki, and Nea laugh at my poor father. "But cookies aren't supposed to be evil..." Mana grumbles. He sits down and lays his head on my lap. Why is everyone laying on my lap lately? "I don't feel too well," Mana informs. "Maybe you'll lose your hair!" I taunt. "Nooooo! Not my beautiful long hair!" Mana screams in horror. Everyone, except for Yu, laughs at him.

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