Chapter 326 A Tragic Past, Dai Lin's Question

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Within the brightly shining moon that hung atop the night sky, the scene within the underground room, lit by lamps and dim moonlight that shone through various channels, had an enigmatic air.

He Wuhan, who sat on her mat, stared at her attentive daughter before speaking, "Xinyan had said that he would explain most of the circumstances to you, but did he tell you of the complete details?"

He Xiu looked at her mother and hesitated before balling up her fist tightly and replying, "No, mother, Senior Bother only spoke about a bit about father's heritage and our duty's to protecting the Spiral Palace Seal, which resulted in his death. As for what happened, I have no idea."

"I see, I understand," He Wuhan said with a slightly sad look in her eyes; she stared at her daughter, who looked at her with hopeful eyes before she started to speak.

"My child, I'll teach you properly, not only your father's fate, but our very beginning," As He Wuhan said this, she waved her hand, causing the scene around them to change, showing pictures of a distant time, one no longer found in the current age.

He Xiu looked on in surprise as her mother soon spoke, "Long ago, in these southern lands, before the pre calamity era, these dunes were filled with blood and chaos as it was brutally reigned over by a few tribal clans. The strongest being our Thread Weaving Tribe, the Everlasting Crypt, the Dune Blood Clans, and a few other minor but powerful tribes, such as the Blazing Totem Clan, and the Witch Cradle, now known as the Dark Witch School."

When He Wuhan spoke, her eyes had a trace of reminiscence as he continued,

"During such times, war was the most common affair, as everyone had striven for supremacy. Many thought that such a time would last until the end of the ages, but one day, a person appeared, a genius like no other. Her origins were unknown, but the power she wielded was almost godly. Through her strength, she had created the southern empire of Avonz, together with an unusual group of people granted bits of her unfathomable powers, the gift to wield the powers of nature as if it were an instinct of the Five Elements of Origin. It was for this reason; she was crowned by many names, the Autarch of Avonz, the Empress of the Elements, the Autarch of Origins."

He Xiu was shocked hearing those words; she couldn't imagine just how powerful the ancient autarch had been. She thought for a bit, making a curious expression.

'Incredible, I've always heard about the ancient Avon's, but I would never have never thought that our south's history was that incredible.'

When He Xiu's thoughts reached here, a puzzled look came into her eyes as she asked, "Mother, you said her powers were of the Five Elements of Origin? Do you mean...?" She asked, but before she could finish, He Wuhan answered promptly.

"Correct, the second path of the Five Element Martial Intent, those who master each of elements and combine them are said to wield the Power of Origin rather than the Power of Chaos, two different paths of the Five Element Dao."

He Xiu was a bit surprised at this; she spoke, "But mother, our world is known only to follow to the Path of Chaos, whether it be the Martial Intents of earth, water, gold, fire, and wood. How could she wield the stranger and more mysterious powers of origins?"

He Wuhan made a deep recollective expression, her mind showing an image of her younger self asking her very mother the same thing. Like the woman in her memories, she looked at her daughter lovingly and spoke, "It's quite simple, rumors had it that she didn't attain such powers from our lands, but from an artifact that came from beyond it, the strangest treasure of all within the entirety of the southern lands. A tower of elements, hidden at the depths which many now call the Five Element Mirage Zone."

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