Chapter: 131 The Unrivaled Titan War Machine!

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The dense amount of smoke that covered all things in sight soon quickly cleared, as a massive form soon came into being. It was a construct that was over 1 kilometer tall and a few hundred meters wide, a dreadful weapon would fill dread to all who saw it regardless of race or species. Its body was made of an unknown type of dark-colored metal engraved with strange glowing runes arranged across its surface, along with special gears attached to key joints on its core chest area that rotated at a constant speed.

With two large glowing blue eyes and a cylindrical shape for a head with two glowing halos, a few cannon-like metallic barrels were placed on its back gleaming with a bright metallic light as a few glowing runes were on their surfaces.

The runes on its body were connected to the core on its chest which had a large glowing orb firmly socketed within a slot surrounding by a few gears. As these gears began to spin, the orb started to glow in blue lights while the runes on the body of the construct began to release a terrifying wave of energies across the region oppressing all things before it.

The fiend army seeing this massive construct was stunned as they knew full well what this thing before them was, they had viewed it in action many times in the ancient battlefields of old leaving its profound memory to all who survived its wrath.

The Troop Commander stuttered in shock as he trembled while looking at the construct, "I can't believe it... its... the...."

The Titan War Machine, a dreadful construct of olden times as it was pinnacle weapon of pure destruction showcasing the best of dwarfin engineering and fairy magical technologies. It is a machine born to kill, made to slaughter all beings who oppose its masters, said to have taken many lives of both friends and foes in the age of the dragon wars, but that is a story to be told at another time...

"Dammit! We have been heard, to think they would repair one to this extent, though it is of a deficient grade compared to the ones of olden times, it still vastly more powerful than any one of us here!" The second in command shouted in anger and fear.

The Troop Commander who only now recovered his senses promptly acted, by raising his hand and yelling, "All fiends retreat! This machine can't fight beyond the limits of its controls, fall back by 10 kilometers!"

It was an excellent command for he was indeed correct about the range of control for the Titan War Machine, but it was a pity for he had commanded his army too late. The gears at the core of the Titan War Machine started to rotate at an even faster rate causing the glowing blue orb at its center to change to that of a bright red color.

Its eyes and runes soon after glowing in the same menacing red light, as it lifted its gigantic arms and pulled the cannons on its back above its shoulders aiming them towards the army below it.

Buzzzzzzzz! Instantly, a loud charging sound resounded throughout the area as the cannons started to glow brightly accumulating a dense amount of magic energy from the surrounding area.

In a few short moments, the cannons were entirely covered by glowing lights as their mussels shone with a strange red colored energy.

The eyes of the Troop Commander shrunk after seeing this, as he lifted his head and yelled before turning into a ray of light that shot towards the distance, "They are firing the Titan Cannons! Retreat Immediately!"

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