Chapter 254 The Southern Pass, An Unexpected Meeting!

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The Southern Pass was a legacy of the past; it was one of the significant southern passes linking both the northeastern and northwestern empires to the south. After the dreadful calamity ten thousand years ago, the surviving experts pooled all their energies into creating a stable series of paths or rather passages to the place that acted as the frontlines for the ancient war — the area now known as the Southern Wastelands.

Few would dare to try and traverse around it, for what would welcome them would be nothing short of inevitable demise. Other than the hazardous chaotic energies from supreme beings that ravage the lands to this day, there were still remnant entities and newly born spiritual life that had materialized from the chaotic powers. As such, even a mighty expert of the True Soul realm would never dare to fly above these passages.

Currently, many different practitioners from various forces were up and about, gathering a variety of goods and information from multiple outlets on the outposts built within the vicinity. Some moved in groups while others acted as lone wolfs, the auras of these individuals were far from weak as one could tell that they were either famous experts or core members from significant influences.

The majority amongst the others were from big sects, outnumbering the number of lone practitioners in the area. Thus, with this imbalance, those from sects would typically carry an air of superiority when facing lone vagabonds. However, where large influences gather, there will naturally be feuds popping up as rivaling factions would collide.

One such scene was currently taking place at the center of an arms store, the disciples gathered here wore blue and dark-colored uniforms, respectively. As the two forces were about to battle, the onlookers couldn't help but jeer at them while placing bets on the outcome.

"Haha, they're at it again, isn't this the fifth time since they got here? These Dark Sky Pavilion and Rain Sword Sect pups are truly troublesome brats indeed," A middle individual said with a laugh.

"Tsk! Do these pesky kids have nothing better to do? Fighting over armor, and weapons, sigh... they should learn from their seniors. Heck, speaking of them, where are they anyway? Why aren't they putting a stop to these ruffles?" Another person questioned.

"They're not going to stick their nose out in small disciples affairs, you should know that a core rule of these sects and influences is to engage in battle and solve your disputes. I believe they call this the wetting of the mind and spirit..." One person said.

"Hmph! It's all just annoying if you ask me!" The previous man replied with a snort.

As the others spoke their minds about the situation, a familiar trio had arrived within this region. Having disembarked from the Wind Ferry, Feng Yu, Cheng Ba, and Jin Chin were now making their way towards the most prominent information station. However, upon seeing these sights before them, the faces of Cheng Ba and Jin Chin flashed in anger.

"Bastards!" Cheng Ba shouted angrily, he looked at Feng Yu and spoke, "Practitioner Yu Feng, it looks like I'll need to handle this affair. Can I trust you to look after my Junior Sister?"

Feng Yu nodded in an unconcerned manner as he replied, "Fine, no problem,"

"I thank you..." Cheng Ba replied while cupping his fists, his figure then flashed as he charged towards the source of the conflict.

"Senior Brother..." Jin Chin muttered concerned, as she saw that their group was slightly outnumbered.

Feng Yu patted her head as he spoke in a comforting manner, "Don't worry, the strongest amongst them is none other than a Fourth Tier Aura Disciple. Your Senior Brother will be fine..."

Jin Chi hearing this felt better, but she blushed when she felt her head being rubbed. Feng Yu seeing this, shook his head, and removed his hand.

Feng Yu looked at the scene more intently, and his eye became cold as he zeroed in on the figure of the Fourth Tier Aura Disciple practitioner from the Dark Sky Pavilion. "Seek not the tail, but find the head... who would have thought that you'd be here, Sheng Bing? It's as if your fate has run out..."

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