Chapter 182: The Town of Stanz

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-- ShadowsFinger


They say time flows by like the vast streams of a flowing lake, a never-ending current that travels towards the unseen ends of eternity. As time progresses, those within its boundaries are subject to permanent change; the seasons will change, the land will shift, as a myriad of events will occur throughout the ages. Much like this scenario, a once-bustling area had now transformed into a desolate wasteland, a product of the chaotic clash between the mighty experts that fought here a few months ago...


The True Yuan Continent is a land with the size of a few million kilometers in a vast world. This land was slightly unusual, as though it carried a substantial amount of heaven and earth essence energies. Most of this power moved towards its center, a mountainous region that was obscured by a strange vortex of chaotic energies.

If one were to zoom out and look at this continent from afar, they would notice that this continent was the only one for endless amounts of miles. A borderless ocean surrounded this single landmass giving it a sense of loneliness in this vast world.

A few powerful forces ruled this continent, dividing it into the three different segments that were separated by a dangerous mountain range.

They are the Margerum Empire of the northwestern lands, the Golden Dragon Empire of the northeastern areas, and the three Great Southern Factions that dominated the Southern Wastelands.

In a region within the Golden Dragon Empire, one that was far towards the south and more to the east, a place called the eastern lands. A nation called the Bright Flame Kingdom resided, this place was once a lively domain, one filled a festive atmosphere.

However, after a chaotic battle shook one of its most remote towns a few months ago, a place that was known as Machen town. This kingdom had not only fallen into a state of decline, but the region affected had undergone an enormous transformation.

A dark mist covered this region of endless ruin, filled with desolate fields, and broken mountains, giving it an aura of misery. Few traversed this region, but those who made up the majorities were the silhouettes corpses that sauntered about aimlessly trying to find that which they cannot reclaim.

The life that has been stolen away from their corroded bodies, leaving them cursed to walk upon these ruin fields. Amongst these figures were many different characters, garbed in top-class equipment and uniforms belonging to particular affiliations. They moved systematically traversed this region like zombies that walked these lands, as they searched for many things.

Not too far away from this place of ruin was a small-town but lively town, one located at a distance of only a few dozens of kilometers. It had high walls reaching an altitude of a dozen or so meters, with the ground paved by stones that had patches of weeds growing from within their cracks.

A simple town that was constructed in the outskirts of the Bright Flame Kingdom, acting as a type of bridge between the treacherous Tydol Mountain Range, that trailed to the dangerous Southern Wastelands. The Town of Stanz...

At this time, a large group of practitioners continued to travel back and forth throughout this place, going about their daily lives. If one looked closely, they would see that a few of them carried looks of interest on their faces as they went through the different squares to browse on a variety of items for sale.

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