Chapter 283 Strolling the Town, Dai Lin's Strangeness?

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THE SOUTH WAS NATURALLY THE MOST brutal place in the True Yuan Continent, it was entirely covered by sand and dunes, each shrouding the wreckages of the ancient times war. The storms here being even more dangerous than any which could be found in the Northeastern or Northwestern Regions of the land. These disasters were known for the chaotic elemental powers that could annihilate any practitioner below the ranks of Warrior realm, the very disasters known as Element Storms.

Naturally, other than these hazards, the south could similarly be viewed as a land of endless opportunities. Its dunes now being home to a sea of countless treasures, each of which could quickly turn a poor man into a rising tycoon of unparalleled wealth if harnessed. Yet, that was in the assumption he had the strength and necessary influential power to protect them in these brutal lands.

Therefore, though this land was labeled as the Southern Wastelands. It also went by another name through the mouths of those within the upper grapevine. A place termed as the Land of Sand and Fortune...


After Feng Yu met with Dai Lin, Miren Fe, Lang Kuang and the others within the inn, the day quickly transitioned to evening, as the previous bustle of the morning had lessened by a significant degree. The orangish-red sky adding a hint of bloodiness to the air, as if painting a dark scene. Currently, sparse crowds roamed the streets of Dry Town, filled with blood and sand at every corner, staining its coarse-looking stone-paved floor with dry weeds in different areas.

If one looked around in some areas, they would see bony malnourished looking southern natives that sat across the stalls with colorful clothes, some of them even included women and children that rested in a lifeless manner within various alleyways as if they lost all hope.

Looking beyond these 'southern folk,' one would notice strong looking practitioners, some riding on the back of strange horses, unique desert creatures, or artifacts that hovered slightly above the ground, even sly looking merchants that seemed to have a savage aura around their bodies stood around stalls, each dressed in a myriad of ways to signify their various origins.

With such a cluster of individuals gathered, it was only natural that conflict would form, as such, no matter how far Feng Yu and the other's walked they would witness a scene were a fight would break out with one or two individuals, causing a variety of wanderers to halt the as they indulged in the bloody atmosphere.

After the fights ended with a few corpses on the ground, the practitioners would then scramble and steal all the loser's belongings, leaving behind only a ravaged corpse on the ground. Some of these 'poachers' even went as far as to eye the battle's victor, inspecting his condition and status to see if he was weakened enough to rob, or was of a too high influential background.

Other than these sights, even the corpse had value as the diminished individuals dragged it into the alleyway's depths. After a few moments, the scent of meat began to waft across the noses of those outside.

Right now, Feng Yu and his party were strolling the streets as they traveled towards an inn. As their party moved, many cast a look towards them, but as they sensed that each of them was strange and couldn't be seen entirely through, no one dared to provoke them.

"This land truly is a cruel one..." Miren Fei muttered as she looked around at the chaos.

"Mother, is this cruel?" Tiana asked with a puzzled look on her face.

Tira, hearing this had complex eyes, she recalled their state in the Ancient Dragon Battlefield and knew that what they had been through was far beyond anything shown here. However, she did not want to bring it up. Instead, she ruffled Tiana's head and replied, "For some, it might, but to others like us, it's merely a common way of livelihood."

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