Chapter 30 - Incoming Trouble, A Talk With Father

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Inside a mysterious city, within a strange world.

A youthful man seated on top of a golden throne frowned deeply, as he looked at a strange man before him. His veins were now clearly visible on his forehead, as his hair grew chaotic with snake-like streaks of bright lightning that flickered about randomly due to his extreme anger. In an instant, his entire body began to make cracking noises as an endless array of electricity gathered around his complete form. He then reached for the odd-looking bolt of lightning floating by his side and gripped it firmly.

Crackle! Zap! Following a loud electrical sound, an oppressive might was instantly revealed to the world.

A mass of dark clouds soon enveloped the entirety of the small world, quickly making its way towards the outside world. As if sensing something, the previously domineering divine thunder striking the city soon came to an abrupt halt, following which, a new cloud slowly began to grow from the municipality. It grew at an alarming rate quickly blanketing the sky for a region spanning no less than 10 million kilometers.

Ka-Bang! Along with the sound of a thunderous boom, a massive thunderbolt set forth from the vast cloud as if trying to display the 'Destroying Heavens and Extinguishing Earth Prestige.' With its appearance, a shocking aura soon erupted that blanketed the entirety of this worlds region as the citizens of the mystical city and nearby experts could only look upon its prestige filled with nothing but pure fear.


At a distant location, deep within an infinite, endless gorge that seemed to have reached the depths of the earth, masses of devilish aura gathered about around a strange looking sacrificial altar. At its center stood a towering figure who emitted an overbearing amount of devilish qi, he had long black hair, glowing red-eyes, and a face that one could only describe as 'Devilishly Handsome.' As he sat upon a throne of made purely of strange looking bones, he would occasionally glance towards his subordinates that currently were congregated around the altar, performing a kind of devilish ritual.

Soon enough, he felt something strange. Promptly spreading out his devil-sense, he instantly scanned an area of more than 1 million kilometers. Where vaguely in the distance, he could see a mass of dark clouds brimming with an immensely domineering, absolute thunderbolt demonstrating its prestige.

"Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu! I wonder, who could have the gall to provoke the Thunder Monarch? Hmmm, this should be quite interesting..." The devilishly handsome man said as he tapped the rail on his throne excitedly with his finger while pondering the various possible circumstances.


In an unknown land, a land filled with a myriad of beasts stood a gigantic tower, stretching to very limits of the heavens itself. Around this tower was a city built from a very ancient kind of stone, as its walls and buildings glowed with strange and unusual patterns. The people or in different terms human forms who resided in this city acted ruthlessly, as bloody battles could be seen occurring at many of the separated battle platforms scattered about the city filling its atmosphere with an untamed sense of wildness.

At the very limits of this tower was a small creature with a very adorable appearance, it frolicked around the tower occasionally falling over itself as it sought different forms of entertainment. It was a small white tiger with little black wings and an unusual marking on its forehead. Suddenly, it stopped playing and looked towards the distance as if it sensed something, quickly the small tiger vanished leaving a remnant shade in its previous location.

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