Chapter 1: The Hannum Operation

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Kaius's POV

The leather chair I am sitting in is no longer cold despite the chill in the bar. I have been sitting here for a while, waiting for the bastard to show up. The man, Mr. Kinns, is in charge of the finances of the large prison in his area. He requested higher taxes to take care of the inmates. He does not know what I know, and that's why I'm here instead of someone else. I'd like to make the message clear so he doesn't disrespect anyone ever again.

Of course, he won't know who I really am. I have many aliases that I use to rule my kingdom. Being the king of the world, it is important to keep my face and name out of the public so I can deal with corruption without having to deal with fake facades. Mr. Kinns thinks I'm some official named Tye Soho.

Finally, he shows up. I nod to my guards to let him sit across from me.

"Mr. Soho, it's nice to meet you."

He goes to shake my hand but I look at it and wait for him to pull it away. I am here to put him in his place and no one can do it better than me.

He pulls his hand away. "The prison is going well. I am taking better care of it than my predecessor."

I nod and stand up, going to the bar behind the chair I had been sitting in. "I heard. It sounds like you would like more funds to keep your inmates... happy."

I wave away the bartender and reach over the counter for a glass and bottle.

"Seems like you're the type of man to get right down to business. Yes, I would like to increase my funds. It would be useful to rehabilitate the inmates and get them back in the world as functional members of society." Such a fake, rehearsed line.

I nod as I pour a large amount of whisky into the glass. The alcohol won't affect me anyway. "The thing is, Mr. Kinns, I know what you do with the money and supplies."

"Um... I'm sorry?"

He is nervous. Good. I turn and look him in the eye for the first time. He sinks back into his chair ever so slightly and his smile falters, my desired effect. "You use the money for your own benefits and sell the goods instead of feeding and providing care of the inmates."

He shakes his head. "You must be confused, Mr. Soho. I... I."

He stops talking as I stare him down. After a while, he cracks under the pressure. He is human so it doesn't take much to get him to submit to my dominance, something I use very often to make my subjects obey me.

"I don't know what to say."

"The simplest thing would be to ask for job applications at new places. Or to apologize to a judge who you will be meeting in a few days." I down the whole glass of whiskey.

"I... I think you have the wrong man" he tries to backtrack.

"I don't." I turn abruptly to startle him and put my glass down rather hard to make him jump. "Get out of my sight. I'm done with you for the day."

He is about to protest but one look from me makes him cower and flee the bar.

I sigh and fill up my glass again. These fucks think they can get away with the worst shit.

I walk over to the banister that is overlooking the rest of the bar. From my private spot up high, I can see the bar owner sitting in a booth, touching the women who work for him. Disgusting. Something that my men will have to deal with tonight. He needs to be put in his place.

My beta, Ryder, walks over to me. "Mr. Hale, I need you to leave with me."

My favorite alias is Mr. Hale. I don't have a real last name because you don't need one when you are literally the king of the world. I don't let anyone call me by my first name no matter how close they are to me.

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