Chapter 36: Queen Hiraeth

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Bryan's mother passed soon after the battle. I believe she knew deep down that her son was gone. She didn't have any physical problems that would cause such a sudden death. The only thing I can think of is that she died of a broken heart for her son.

She passed after she told the nurse to thank me. She couldn't remember my name but she knew I was there.

I was given her and Bryan's inheritance even if there wasn't much left. I have since used it and other money from my father's business to help research on illnesses similar to what she suffered. At the very least it will help people like her get the care they need.

I made Mr. Harper the owner of my father's business. I will still be a co owner but he will be the official CEO.

My father's corpse was burned along with all of the other bodies of the men who supported Fenris. They were denied a proper burial. I watched as the bodies ignited and felt a weight from my father lift as the embers blew in the wind.

All of the civilians who died were given a proper burial and every wolf who was brainwashed was given help.

Fenris's body was never found in the lake and Kaius and I believe it is not there but wherever the moon goddess dragged him off to.

There is still a lot to do and a lot of cleaning up. Kaius and I still hide our identity. When I walk the streets of towns, no one knows who I am or what I am capable of. To them I am a normal woman passing by.

Most importantly, every ally of ours who survived is meeting us again to sort out the aftermath.

This time, I am dressed in a black gown with golden lace running through it and down it in unique vining patterns. The gold is symbolic of the royal family, the eyes of every ruler born with the right to rule like Kaius. Our first born will have the eyes of their father.

The black was my idea. It makes my hair color stand out and appear like a flame amongst black and gold.

Kaius's eyes land on me the moment we approach our thrones from opposite ends of the room. They captivate me with the same amount of respect that I return to him in my eyes.

His are golden and as heavy as a thousand ancient gold coins.

Mine, a rich brown with gold woven in my irises, showing the same royal right as my mate. They changed a day after we mated and now I proudly wear the signs of who I am mated to and who I am.

I was afraid before but since I have Kaius by my side, I feel unstoppable with my new role in the world. He is as much my strength as I am his and our souls are woven for all of eternity.

We looks down on the people below us before we lower ourselves onto our golden thrones. History is made as everyone lowers their eyes and their heads, submitting to their new King and Queen.

King Kaius and Queen Hiraeth.

I feel a power surge through me as my eyes glow similar to Kaius. I let out a breath which carries in the air and makes every person in the room feel the power radiating off of me in the room. It is a tradition for the Queen to display her power silently to show everyone who she is.

The fire that has always been in me twists as golden flames lick at it, turning it to solid gold.

The golden flame that is my power serments me as the new Queen. Queen of the world.

20 years later

She is unlike the ones before her. Sure there have been female rulers in the past. But something is different about her.

Everyone in the training yard can feel it as she passes them. At 18, she is stepping into her father's shoes nicely. She carries a golden, flickering, powerful flame in her soul just like her mother.

Her hair screams Hannum as she ties her raging red locks into a ponytail.

Her opponent is the future Beta of the kingdom and her best friend, Eros. He looks much like his mother, Beta Female Lucy. Two years older, he has mastered his training and is now working with the princess.

However, he is nervous and because of that she immediately notices his stance is off.

She is sharper than anyone would have expected. She is more dangerous than the best trained men in the world.

Her rose red lips curl into a smile as she looks her Beta in the eyes. Her molten gold eyes flicker with a powerful mischievous glint as she challenges her friend.

"Your move." Her voice is smooth and commanding.

She is the very thing the world has been waiting for. A woman produced by two powerful beings who is destined to take the world by storm.

Future Queen Alexandria Prairie.

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