Chapter 2: A New Job

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Hiraeth's POV

1 Week Later

The car pulls up to my father's mansion and the door is opened for me. Although I am used to people opening doors for me and driving me places because of my father's position, I much prefer to do it myself. I only have to this time because I am coming back from a job and I have to appear a certain way for our client.

I go right to my room and change out of the green, skin tight dress that I find so uncomfortable. Jeans and a shirt is much more relaxing for me.

A knock comes from my door and after pulling the shirt over my head I tell whoever is there to enter.

My close friend Bryan sticks his head in.

"I was wondering if you want to eat something while we talk about the business."

I nod. "Yeah, I'll meet you in the greenhouse. I'll be right there."

He leaves and a few minutes later, I am approaching the glass doors. Bryan had already ordered our favorite lunch food and is waiting for me at a small white table with matching white chairs in the center of the greenhouse.

As we dig in, Bryan starts to ask about the job I came back from.

"Did you get the client to finally listen?"

I sigh. This client's parents has been paying for my father's men to keep him safe but won't listen to the safety guidelines we give him. "He is a rich spoiled kid. I tried to reason with him but instead he tried to flirt with me. What an idiot. His parents are paying us a lot to keep him from being beat up."

Bryan chuckles, his dark eyes shining as he laughs at my predicament. "Of course he would. That kid seems like the type to not take it seriously. Maybe if you wore an old lady outfit he wouldn't have been so distracted even if it's his fault" Bryan laughs at his own joke.

"OKAY!" I say with sarcasm and a small laugh. "He is just an idiot. I hope he listens soon."

"Seriously though, why is he in trouble? What did he do?"

I bit my lip. "I can't tell you that." He knows what I mean and immediately his smile drops. After a moment of silence I look up from my plate. "How is she doing?"

Bryan puts his fork down and looks up at me. "She is doing fine." Bryan's mother is very sick and has dementia. He has been working for me to pay for her treatment. We slowly became close friends over the last 3 years. I told him he doesn't have to work for me anymore since it can be dangerous but he said it keeps his mind off his mother's pain. I can't tell Bryan certain things because that could put her in danger by association.

"She almost forgot my name I think. I mean she forgot the nurse's name and I think she struggled to remember mine. She tried to hide it but I noticed."

"I'm sorry. Do you need more money for the treatment or do you have some left over?"

"I think I'll be fine for now. Thank you, Hiraeth."

I smiled at him and glanced at my plate, trying to find a way to change the subject. He beat me to it.

"How is your 'plan' going?"

I frown. It is a tough situation. The man I've been having people pay attention to is very good at covering his tracks even if he can't take care of the business like you would expect a smart man to.

I look around and wait to hear any sounds that might hint to someone being in the greenhouse. Bryan catches on and after a moment of listening too, he nods. "My father is an idiot. He has been investing money in strange places and won't tell me anything."

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