Chapter 27: The Council

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Despite what I insisted, Hiraeth is too stubborn to let anything slow her down. She acts as if nothing is wrong in front of people but behind closed doors, she still cries for Bryan. She had been close to Bryan for years and felt responsible for his life the entire time. Losing him has broken a part of her.

She has cried to me about what to do with his mother. She doesn't know how to tell Bryan's sick mother and does not know if she has enough courage to face her. Hiraeth blames herself completely and no matter how many times I have told her it was my fault, I know she won't believe me.

It drives me insane to see her like this. I want so badly to take the pain away from my mate. The last two nights she woke up crying. I have been sleeping next to her since she found out about my position. My wolf paces in my mind, desperate to get out and comfort our mate. Last night, I let him and he curled around Hiraeth, letting her cry into my wolf's fur.

Right now we are on my private jet on our way to my castle. She is sitting next to me on the phone, checking a long name off the list. Part of our plan is to contact as many people as possible to see if they will help us in the fight against Fenris. So far, every name she has written down has accepted.

Mr. Harper is on the jet with us along with Lucy and Ryder. I'm very happy to see Ryder finally find his mate. He adores her more than anything and I can once again have my best friend back to normal.

After a few hours of flying, the jet descends and I nudge Hiraeth awake. Her beautiful brown eyes flutter open and she looks to me with a questioning look.

"We are here, love." I kiss her forehead and we all get up to exit the plane.

As we approached the castle in the SUV I glance into the passenger seat to see her reaction. I don't know if Hiraeth has ever been in a castle but mine is the largest in the world. It is medieval shaped but the last two generations of Kings have done some work to it. While the architecture is mostly European, some Greek and Roman arches, Greek orders, and domes has been added to renovated rooms.

Hiraeth leans forward and her eyes widen as we drive into the shadow of the castle.


I smile to myself and look back to the road as we pull up to the private entrance.

After we enter the castle, I am told that the council are eagerly waiting for us. I tell the servant to inform them to continue waiting.

I am confident they are nervous. I told them nothing of their new Queen other than I had found her and was bringing her to the castle. The last time they had a Queen, she had a terrible relationship with her mate and was very sickly. Hiraeth will be a big change for them.

I want them to wait longer because recently they have been demanding. I need them to remember who is in charge here, even if they are eager to see their Queen.

"Follow me, my love." I speak gently to Hiraeth and hold my hand out.

Her smaller hand slides into mine but her eyes are wandering around the walls of the massive foyer.

"Where are we going?"

I begin to lead her towards the stairs.

"We are going to our room to get ready to meet the council. I'll give you a personal tour after we meet them." I kiss her hand and her eyes finally find me. They hold so much curiosity, the pain of what has happened forgotten for just this moment.

If she will let me, I will continue to distract her.

We go down the long corridors and pass many large rooms that I will show her later. The whole time, she takes in the detailed halls with golden structures and fancy furnishings.

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