"you don't even know what pda is"

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"What?" Rowan asked, her heart plummeting into the bottom of her stomach. She could only imagine what Adam was feeling right now.

"I've been living in the wrong district for the past year. I have to go play for D-5," Adam lifelessly stated, unable to process the change.

"Can they do that? I mean, it's already halfway through the season. Why can't they just let you play with the Hawks until it's over?"

"The league has already ruled on it," He said with glossy eyes, looking back at his team still in warmups. 

Rowan's eyes shifted there as well. "Are you gonna tell McGill and Larson?"

"Tomorrow. They need to focus on this team. Rowan, tonight could be the last time the four of us are ever together again."

"Don't say that, Adam," She whispered in sympathy and pain.

"Why not? It's the truth. You know they despise District 5. How am I any different from one of them now?"

"You're their friend, Adam."

"Because of hockey. Now that it's done..." He trailed off in disgust, bitterness coating the inside of his mouth at his next sentence. "I'm not gonna be anything more to them except the competition."

"You don't know that," She tried to convince, but the unsteadiness of her voice said enough.

"I wish you were right, Ro. I've gotta go," Adam shook his head, skating off to join the team he had to pretend he was a part of.

"That was my last game as a Hawk," Adam whispered into Rowan's ear, hugging her tightly.

"Adam, we don't know that for sure. Your dad is a great lawyer. He could cut some kind of deal with pee-wees."

"Yeah, well so is the other guy, Gordon Bombay. He's like the best in the state," He frowned, his voice kept low as other Hawks passed them.

"Is there really nothing we can do?" 

"Believe me, I've thought of everything. We can't save it this time."

"I'm sorry, Adam. I wish you weren't put through this. I know you're angry." 

"It's not your fault."

She looked down, her mind racing for anything that could make him feel better in the slightest. "Well, then let's have the best sleepover the world has ever seen."

His eyes lifted into a smile. "Let's do it."

Whether they wanted to admit it or not, there was a good chance that this was the last time they would be seen as a group of 4. 

"Forever young, I want to be forever young! Do you really want to live forever? Or never?" McGill and Larson loudly sang in the most obnoxious tone possible. 

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