"whatever, i'm getting cheese fries"

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"It's the North Stars!" Connie Moreau gasped as the Ducks stared at the pro-hockey arena in admiration. Their jaws dropped even more when Gordon Bombay told them they could skate on the ice.

 The moment that Adam felt his blade come in contact with the ice, he knew. He knew that he loved the feeling of being in a real arena, with hundreds of seats watching your every move. He wanted this feeling every day. He wanted hockey to be his future. 

The Ducks skated around the huge rink laughing and gliding around on their stomachs. Connie and Guy held hands before colliding with Jesse and Averman. Annoyed with their antics almost immediately, Connie abandoned the group of boys -- curious as to what the quiet blonde boy was up to. "Hey, Banks."

"Hi," Adam replied, surprised and slightly nervous. 

"How's Rowan?"

"You know Rowan?

"Yeah, we've talked before. She's a nice girl," Connie replied.

"She is." 

"What are we talking about?" Charlie asked, appearing by their side as they lapped the ice slowly.

"A girl," Connie grinned.

"Charlie knows Rowan too," Adam informed. 

"This sounds like a team bonding conversation to me!" Charlie announced, grabbing the attention of a few other teammates. 

"Wait, guys. W-" 

Within minutes, the secret was no longer a secret. 

"I love team bonding!" Averman cheered.

Rowan knocked on the dark oak door of the McGill household. Larson opened the door, stunned to see her standing there. "Oh, hey..."

"We need to talk," She stated as McGill rushed to the door upon hearing her voice. 

"We're about to leave for the North Stars game. We can talk while we walk there," McGill said. 

"What'd you want to talk about?" Larson asked as they passed through neighborhoods. 

"How you missed a game the other night?

She didn't even realize it. "Adam. I came to talk about Adam."  

McGill rolled his eyes as Larson awkwardly looked at her. Just as they entered the stadium, a screen above them read: 'Welcome Gordon Bombay and The Ducks!'

"Speaking of him," Larson muttered.

"Whatever, I'm getting cheese fries," McGill said, walking towards the food court.

Rowan followed them but came to a stop as Larson and McGill pointed to where Adam and The Ducks were sitting. The two boys started laughing, catching Adam's attention. McGill held up his arm and pretended to shoot him. Rowan quickly yanked McGill's arm down. Adam sunk lower in his seat.

"Come on. We aren't getting your stupid cheese fries", Rowan ordered through gritted teeth, pulling them off the stairs and into a quiet corner. "What the hell is up with you guys? I came to talk you both into being friends with Adam again, but it's clear that you care more about what team he's on. I mean, seriously? All this bullshit and for what? Some stupid hockey title? For pee-wees? Did you ever even care about him outside of what he could do on the ice?"

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