"didn't know this was the party room"

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The USA was up 6-0 against Trinidad and Tobago. 

Dwayne had the puck, passing it back to Guy who sent it to Connie. She faked around a defender and shot on goal, scoring the seventh point for the game. The team cheered as Jesse argued with a kid in the crowd. Adam and Charlie sat on the bench watching and waiting to go back in.

"Hey, you got a girl in the stands?" Charlie smirked, observing Adam's locked gaze on the packed bleachers.

"Scouts, man. Look at them," Adam replied, his eyes not leaving the men in the audience.

"Don't worry about scouts, Adam. Just play your best," Charlie nudged, pulling his attention away from them. "And I still find it quite odd how you didn't answer my question about a certain girl in the stands."

Adam smiled and shook his head, looking down to hide the blush. "Charlie, you know we're just friends."

"But that's not what you want."

"It doesn't matter what I want. To me, it's more important what she wants -- And she doesn't see me in that way, truly. I'd just screw everything up," Adam spoke.

"If she didn't feel anything towards you, we wouldn't have ever interrupted any almost-kisses between you guys. But we have. Multiple times," Charlie reasoned. 

Adam thought for a moment about what Charlie had just said. "Do you really think s-" He tried to ask, but was interrupted by the cheers of the Trinidad and Tobago team scoring their first goal. 

"Yeah, I do. If anything, I think you two are made for each other."

The blush returned to his face as he thought some more about Charlie's words. 

"Alright, Adam, Charlie, quit girl talking and get us some more points," Bombay laughed as he sent them to replace Guy and Connie on the ice.

The game continued for 10 minutes, Adam and Dean both taking a goal before time ran out. The final score was 9-2 -- A perfect first game for Team USA

"Team USA, how does it feel to be competing on an international level?" A young, blonde reporter asked.

Adam stood closer to the back for two reasons -- He was much taller than some of his teammates and didn't want to block them. And number two, he didn't really like being on camera, especially not in front of hundreds and thousands of people. 

This was much to the dislike of Rowan Pierce as she watched from her dorm room T.V. "Why is he standing in the back? I'm only watching this for him."

A whole bunch of 'great's and 'we love it's could be heard from the microphone as the team answered. Rowan zoned out for a minute, she didn't quite understand what the next reporter was asking, but she knew it had something to do with Iceland. Her attention snapped back to the screen as she heard a bunch of gasps come from the small audience. "Team USA's going down, that's where you're going."

The man had a large amount of very tall, blond boys behind him. A bunch of people swarmed around him as he gave Bombay a nasty look. Adam's gaze met Connie as she looked from him to Luis. "What do we do?"

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