"i married him"

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Adam woke to the sunlight shining through the shades and into his room. He sat up with his stomach in knots. It was the day of the state championship, and they were playing The Hawks. 

After a few minutes of thinking about all the possibilities, he looked out his window and into Rowan's. He saw her walking around her room with her Ducks jersey on her back. At the sight of her, his nerves cooled down just for a moment. Adam got out of bed and grabbed his hockey bag. 

"How are you feeling?" Rowan asked as he approached the car. 

"Nervous, really nervous," He honestly told her.

"You have nothing to worry about, Adam. I believe in you guys."

Adam looked down at her, a smile growing across his face and in his eyes. "Thanks, Rowan -- for sticking around. I never would've been able to do this without you."

"Well, if we're gonna be friends in 30 years I suppose I don't have a choice to stick around or not."

"You're never gonna let that 30 years thing go. Are you?"

"Maybe in 40 years."

Rowan sat down next to Casey Conway. "Hi, Rowan," She smiled at the younger girl.

"Hi, Casey."

"How's Adam feeling?"


"And you?" Casey asked, seeing the way Rowan played with the sleeves of her shirt.

"Definitely the same," She slightly laughed. "What about Charlie?"

"Hopeful, but anxious. Gordon told me you helped out at practice the other night."

"Yeah, I think it went well."

"The team is really lucky to have you support them like this. Of course, they have their parents but I can tell it's different with you. I just can't decide if it's because you're their age or because you had a choice," Casey told her.

"A choice?" Rowan asked.

"Yeah. You know, you could've stayed with The Hawks but you picked them. They've never been the first choice like that before -- especially not when it comes to a team like The Hawks."

"It never felt like a choice. I knew I had to choose them. I don't think I could live with myself if I stayed with The Hawks," Rowan shrugged.

"For Adam, right?" The brown-haired woman asked.

"For Adam."

"I see the way you two look at each other, Rowan," Casey said.

"We're just friends."

"I used to say the same thing about this boy I knew in middle school."

"What happened?" Rowan questioned.

"I married him."

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