"the rest of my life"

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Words couldn't describe the terror Rowan Pierce felt at this moment. Her nerves grew as she waited to be called onto the ice. Her hands violently shook when she waved to the crowded arena. Nothing could stop this feeling -- until she locked eyes with a crystal blue pair. Her breathing halted before she quickly tore her gaze away from him.

From the stands, the entire hockey team piled into two rows, all anxiously awaiting Rowan's first performance. Adam messed with the bracelet on his wrist. His lucky bracelet -- the very same one he had worn to every skating competition.

"She saw me," Adam quietly said to no one in particular.

"Is that a good or bad thing?" Guy asked.

"I don't know," He answered honestly.

"It's a good thing," Connie interjected. "She knows you care enough about her to come. Even if she doesn't want to see you."

"How could I not come?"

Connie and Guy smiled at each other. Guy took her hand into his, holding it gently but so securely.

Rowan moved around the shiny ice like a feather, her blades taking her to each movement as the song played throughout the rink. She let her mind go completely blank while muscle memory took over, it all became as easy as breathing. Every jump or spin she stressed about turned to just another part of her routine. Before she even could process what was happening, she found herself closing the dance as the music faded out and the stadium irrupted with cheers and claps. 

"That's my girl!" Adam heard himself yell. Even knowing she wasn't really his, he always felt she was, always would be, his girl.

Charlie Conway patted Adam's shoulders from behind him as he grinned at the statement. "Your girl, huh?"

Adam looked down, hiding the blush that spread to his cheeks as he shook his head. "I forget other people can hear me."

Rowan sped towards her teammates, crushing them in a hug. The 6 looked up at the scoreboard, waiting for her points to come through.

"I qualified!" She screamed in disbelief.

Adam couldn't take his eyes off of her. She lit up his eyes, blessing them at the sight of her. To him, it wouldn't matter in the end if she hated him -- he would always unconditionally support and love her. But, a pang of jealousy washed over him as he caught her in a close hug with Brady. This was just another reminder that Brady had what Adam wanted for so long, what he needed his entire life. Brady got Rowan. "I wouldn't be too sure about what you said."

"What?" Charlie questioned.

"She's with Brady. Did you know that?"

"Since when?"

"It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that I officially lost her," Adam shrugged. "She looks so happy."

"Do you want her to be happy?"

"Of course I do. But I want her to be that way with me."

"You were perfect today," Adam Banks lightly smiled at the main entrance when the two had nearly run into each other.

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