63. Dreams

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Hello friends... The diary reading session will take long time (I mean many chapters) as you know that the couple stayed together for an year and this monster need to read the whole diary. I think you may get bored. But plz put some patience and read it.

Happy reading :)


Omkar's POV

In no time I took out the diary from the drawer and opened it.

"Come on read it" my inner voice said.

"Looks like you're more excited to know what she've written" I mocked.

"Hehe" it smiled sheepishly.

Resting my head on the head rest of the couch I started reading it.

(Italics represent Aadya's words and the normal one represent the present in Om's POV)

Jan 01, 20XX

Hello diary.

As you know today is New year, the day is well celebrated in our apartments. Many competitions, games are conducted today. Everyone participated in one program or the other except me. My mind is totally busy thinking about the event which is going to happen day after tomorrow. Yes...my marriage. I am a little nervous and at the same time excited.

My mind is fully filled with the thoughts of my boss. Oops I am going to get married to him but still ain't able to address him by his name.

My dream is going to get fulfilled.

Dream huh!!

You very well know how I expect my future husband to be right?


I was always a lonely person since childhood. I was so involved in my studies that I even forgot enjoying life..and when I realised it my childhood was finished. Though I made many friends all of them left with a reason that they were unable to bear my overcaring nature. It broke my heart into million pieces. I couldn't trust anyone from then.

I want my future husband to understand my caring nature. I need his support in overcoming my insecurities. I need a companion who'll make me feel loved. I need him to accompany me to swim in the sea called life. He will be my world for the rest of my life. And I hope my boss will be the same as I expect. Fingers crossed.

Ok then..🥱🥱.. it's enough for today..Good night diary.

I turned the page and looked at the left side.

Jan 02, 20XX.

Hello diary.

There is nothing much I have done today except day dreaming about my boss. I feel the rush of hormones whenever I think of him. His tall stature and well sculptured body..uff..I wonder whether he feels the same about me or not.

Awaiting Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon