Chapter 13- Convincing a Duke

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Jennifer's day had been unusual and hectic, starting with the surprising encounter with Lord Joshua at the carriage when they arrived to the palace.

It took her an extenuating amount of patience and candid redirection to have him out of hers and Lucretia's back and on Odette's side.

The two fools were perfect to entertain each other, and soon she was free of his tedious Temple teachings reciting and engagement preparations. Like something so horrific as that would ever happen.

Before that, however, a peculiar incident happened when Prince Francis joined their little group at tea, together with Lord's Joshua's aide, Jennifer knew something had gone wrong just by looking at their faces. The aide had a face of striking misery and Francis cold anger on his eyes, similar to her father's.

He took Lord Joshua away from the table to the annoyance of his sister, which he discarded promptly. And while princess Odette went on and on about how great it would be to have Jennifer as a younger sister, the girl herself watched the heated debate going on in the farthest corner of the rose garden. Unfortunately, it was too far for Jennifer ears to understand.

Still, with an eye on the brewing conflict over in the corner, she resigned to not knowing much, since she had to also entertain the foolish princess as well. Though, in her heart Jennifer knew whatever had happened it had to be connected with Lucreatia.

When the prince returned with lord Joshua, Jennifer noticed that the aide was missing. She tried to poke gently for some information but prince Francis was always able to deflect her questions, no matter if it was for him or Lord Joshua. He never allowed the late to answer about the subject.

Jennifer was not pleased about this at all,  and did her best to get rid of the fools and Prince Francis, so she could go to the bottom of this with Lucreatia. However, while those two Temple lover fools were easy to stir away, Francis was way harder, and in the end, she was unable to shake him off.

She wanted to go check what Lucreatia was doing, but she was not sure about taking Francis with her. Then an idea formed on her, as she thought of how displeased he had been with Lord Joshua's aide and with the fool as well. Though he hid it remarkably well, Jennifer could see he did not entertain any notion of friendship with Lord Joshua.

Perfect. He could be of use, the same as that Odette.

And with an idea forming on her head she led Francis to the Royal Library, always using her confusion and meek expression.

Lucreatia had not been happy about having the prince there, which Jennifer found in agreement with what she had expected. However, both prince Cedric and Wolff were quite comfortable with his presence, which meant Jennifer was on the right path.

After some scrabble, Jennifer got the confirmation that something had happened with Lord Joshua's aide and whatever had happened it had involved Lucreatia. She knew just by looking at her sister's expression and dismissive reply.

Jennifer could have insisted, but she knew at that time it was best to let it go. She would probe gently later when she and Lucreatia where alone. Away from the prying eyes of the Royal Princes.

That moment came when after an afternoon of studying and searching for the elusive Lady Louise, the girls were taken out of the Royal library by the princes and the Moon aide.

To avoid suspicions each went their separate ways. Francis to meet up with his idiotic sister and lord Joshua, Cedric and Wolff to their residence, and both the ladies of the Mountnerohouse went off to meet up with father's aides.

During their walk, Jennifer noticed her sister constant touch on her wrist. Curious she took Lucreatia's hand.

"Lulu, is something wrong with your wrist?" asked Jennifer in a concerned voice and expression. And before Lulu could say anything, the older mountenero pushed the sleeve back to see her wrist.

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