Chapter 11- Visiting Aerabitina

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The dinner occurred in lively discussion and joyous laughter. Lord Sargosa was the pure image of the merry grandfather, with a substantial belly, snow hair and red cheeks. Of all, he was the one who laughed the most. Eloise's charm and pure benevolence came from him.

During the feast, we concluded that our visit to Aerabitina would be best by the end of the week. Eloise and her grandmother would help as chaperones. I was excited, but Fanny and Jenni voiced concerns about our safety. Those were quickly debunked by Emmanuel and Lord Sargosa.

It didn't take long for them to be convinced that it would be an alright and fun experience. My best supporter, in this case, was Lord Sargosa, who told us the most exciting stories about the town while drinking wine with his wife, whom he adored to passion. A feeling reciprocated if her glowing eyes were any sign.

On the day, we found ourselves prepared early in the morning to meet with Lady Sargosa and Eloise at the entrance. We took their best carriage to town, which allowed for me, Jenni and Emmanuel to join as well. The carriage of a pale blue was simple and well-kept. There was a dandelion with a crown, their coat of arms, engraved on each side of the doors.

The day was sunny; the wind was mild and inviting and the trip fast downwards. Through our open windows, we saw the city fringing the lake. Different from the capital, most of the buildings were two-storey high and of a pale white. Their rooftops a deep blue or emerald green, a curious choice of colour. It was a small city that bounced light with intensity.

Everyone occupied themselves during their trip down the hill. Eloise and Jenni talked about the new season trends. Emmanuel pretended to sleep while Lady Sargosa pretended to read. And me? I thought about stuff (that didn't include dresses or scandalous engagements). With my eyes closed, I let my face catch the rays of the sun that survived the jungle of trees around the gravel path.

I thought about my minor success at alchemy, my path forward, and my life. Both the past and the current one. The more I thought, the more I asked. Why me? And why this place? However, instead of answers, what I got were those golden eyes dying in a river of blood.

I opened mine, refusing to look inside my trembling heart. Emmanuel had stopped pretending to sleep and stared at me with his eyebrows arched. Thankfully, for me, we had arrived at the edge of the city, passing two iron gates painted in murky blue. Near was a park where the carriage settled and we got off. The streets were too narrow for such a big carriage. Also, where was the fun of using a carriage in such a beautiful place?

Me and the girls stormed off, with Eloise doing the role of guide, while the adults slithered behind, attentive and chattering with each other. The city was charming, from the last stone that graced the ground to the emerald blue tiles that decorated the white facades of the buildings. The multiple hills which made up the city's unique landscape were challenging, yet not impossible for us to conquer. It was all a lovely spectacle.

But it was not just the views that mesmerized me... the people and their reactions were as striking. They smiled and waved in excitement at seeing us. From afar, they said their greetings, always stopping what they were doing to do a small bow. Eloise and the adults greeted them back. However, Jenni clasped her hand harder on mine. Something took off inside my mind.

We soon arrived at the main square which was facing the lake. The government buildings and the Temple were all radiating as the light leapt from the lake and stroke their walls. The square was busy with a vast market set in its space. Full of white tents, the voices of the merchants filled the air. Everyone was selling beautiful or tasty things and we lost ourselves there for a while, seeing dresses, candies, shoes and eating street food. People were friendly, but it was when they saw my eyes that their smile enlarged and they gave me something extra. A screw in my head turned.

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