Chapter 2- Trip to the south

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Everything happened fast. After the shocking news, there was little time to process it before an army of maids came marching into my room. They boxed everything they could, and I watched with Jenni by my side, unsure of what to do. Until the crowd of maids overpowered the room and Jenni slithered away, to go prepare as well. Much was in need to be prepared.

They packed dresses, jewels, pillows, objects. Anything and everything.

Things went and came. Flying and dancing through the room, from hands to hands. I tried to offer my help without avail. The maids were just too preoccupied and stressed to even listen. Almost like my mind was.

After less than a quarter of full sun (which means 15 minutes... these people can be a tad complicated), everything was ready and my room was empty except for the furniture.

My memories, like the room, felt empty. I looked around, alone with my thoughts. There was silence, relief, and worry. Nothing left besides those outrageous golden decor blended with the pink, and my warm pyjamas. I lied... There was... My alchemy books. They stood under the bed, discarded, and in a panic I took them. On my hands, they felt heavy, but they were too precious to leave behind. So I hid them back in one of the small travel bags that were left close to the door.

A little later, Fanny came inside with a dress and shoes in her hands. Like Jenni's attire, mine was also meant to provide some flexibility and comfort instead of pompous beauty.

"Let me help you, my lady." she said, after putting the dress on my naked bed. A phrase she used so often with excitement, yet now it sounded hollow.

I stayed quiet as I let her do what she did every day. During my dressing, I concentrated on the day outside. A pleasant afternoon like every other before, a glorious day on the land of the Sun. A land blessed by prosperity. Even when no drop of rain has fallen on the capital in centuries. To the sun people, rain on palace grounds brings forth doom. Many believe it is a sign of the Goddess anger. It seems, however, that she has been happy for years.

When I was ready I went to my vanity, again letting Fanny do her job. Brush my hair. Her delicate movements were soothing to my mood. They made me calm enough to wonder.

"Is it wise to take a sick person on a travel?" I broke the silence, looking through the glass and watching Fanny stop brushing. She didn't look at me, instead, she put the brush on the vanity and took two simple hairpins from her apron pockets. They were adorned each with two pink flowers. 

She arranged my hair and then locked her eyes with mine. Through the glass.

"Lord Emmanuel assured us, that my lady would be healthy enough to go. Besides, he is coming as a chaperone." she replied with a small smile, one that hid a ghost of sadness.

"And... you?" I asked, turning to her, my hand on hers.

"Of course. No one could separate me from my lady!" Fanny grinned, while her eyes watered a little.

I felt better knowing Fanny would join me to the unknown. However, it was all too sudden... too suspicious. I hated this lack of control over my own life. And the fact I had zero energy or will to face it. I was weak. The worst thing I could be around here.

Now ready, I headed outside, followed by Fanny. On the other side of the door, on the floor, was a robust and brown leather travel bag. I saw her taking it without an effort. It was her bag and her belongings. How nonsensical... it took an army of maids to pack my things, but my maid had just a small bag... and my heart shrunk with the knowledge. My steps, usually loud, were quiet in the silent and gloomy halls. It allowed me to listen to the beats of my heart, thundering through my chest.

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