If it's not you, it's not anyone...

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Ameeta's POV:

His past was a bolt from the blue I feel really bad for this beautiful human, he Is such a sweetheart. That tears in his eyes at the end stood up and said his true love and pain he has been through these years; I have never imagined this side of Chaitu. Now I feel like I want to be a part of his life as a constant source of support. He continued

Chaitanya: Ameeta, know what? I loved her more than anything, but now I hate her. I never hated anyone like that, I didn't want to share this nightmare relationship with my family. I have cried a lot in the dark, it's been years but the traces are still alive in me that bad relationship gifted my short temper, depression and I always preferred to be alone so that no one can hurt me. The Chaitanya you've been watching is not the real one, the original was more Cheerful and always into cricket, Tisha killed the cheerfulness in me. But now I think that cheerful and happy Chaitanya is coming out.

Ameeta: Chaitu forget it yaar

(While saying this she firmed and held his hand close to her)

Ameeta: Is that because of your Belle?

Chaitanya: What?

Ameeta: Rebirth of unfeigned happiness in your life?

Chaitanya: Yeah, she is the reason behind that. I find a home in her; I find the real me inside her. Do you know when she wraps her hand around mine her warmth give me peace and console the person who is screaming inside me for years.

I slowly took off my hands because he feels it special when his Belle does it, so I wanted to respect that. I am not his Belle so I don't want to take that special thing. But now he took my hand and held it and started,

Chaitanya: Do you know, this time I fell in love with the right person, who can support me and take good care of me and I guess she can also handle my depression and short temper.

Ameeta: I guess she can and I wish.

Chaitanya: Do you want to know how I fell in love with her?

Ameeta: Yeah, of course. I would love to hear it.

Chaitanya: I thought of confessing it on my birthday, but...

Ameeta: It's almost your birthday, just 3 hours more Chaitu.

Chaitanya: Yeah,

Immediately he cupped my face and looked into my eyes, I don't have any idea about what is happening I feel like I am losing myself into his eyes, so I tried to look away but he never let me look on the other side

Ameeta: Chaitanya, what are you doing? I don't feel....

Chaitanya: Listen to me before you utter a word. Will you be my Belle?

Ameeta: What?

Chaitanya: Yes, will you walk by my side for the rest of our life?

Ameeta: Of course, Chaitu I will be your side forever as a best friend but I need some time to think about sharing my whole life.

Chaitanya: Take your own time, just waiting for you.

Ameeta MmHm

Chaitanya: keep one thing in mind: I want to share my entire life with you, just us YOU & ME.

I stood up and came back to the room, still, he was sitting in the same place and looking at the beautiful sky. I took a deep breath, Yeah, I like him, he is just an amazing and kindest person and after hearing his past I want to be persistent support for him but sharing my entire life with someone is not a simple thing like trading ice cream, it is something more than that. I have to think about consequences after getting into a relationship because he is still young and famous many actresses were haw-eyed on him. But in person I love him, I always loved being around him.

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