Chapter 46

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Noah's POV

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Noah's POV

I have heard people saying that sometimes someone comes into your life unexpectedly and takes your heart by surprise and changes your life forever. To me, Isabella is the love that came without warning. And before I could do anything, she already had my heart. 

I knew it the moment her eyes met mine. I can lose everything else but as long as I have her- my moonshine, my reason to breathe- to walk beside me through this life, I know I will be alright. She is all I have ever wished for and I can't bear to breathe another moment without her. It was her through all the things we went through after that and it will always be her.

Marriage was never an important thing for us, werewolves. But I want everyone to know how much I love her, I want to show them.

She healed all the wounds that burnt into me. She has stood by me through everything. She has changed my life forever. I love her unconditionally. And I swear to myself that I would do everything to protect her even it means sacrificing myself.

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