The Gang's All Here (1)

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Chapter 7! Sorry for updating so late today. So to make up for it, this one's my longest one I've written yet! ^-^ Enjoy! Let me know if anything needs fixing. 


The bang came from on top of the stairs as dust flew everywhere. The sound of drywall crumbling to the ground followed shortly after. The figure of a person was revealed after the dust started to settle. 

The dramatic appearance revealed a lean, tall stature with a lock of pink-tinted silver hair on his head. On the face of the silver haired vampire, a scowl was seen adorning his immature features. Looks like someone's being a Mr. Grumpy pants~ 

I lift my head, immersed in my thoughts while looking at the newly introduced character. Mr. Subaru!~ The youngest of the brothers, and the one with the quickest temper... one of my least favorite characters too. How do people find this immature, bratty teen attitude attractive? Oh whatever, why am I choosing favorites between these blood sucking mosquitoes? I should just try to avoid all of them. 

While everyone's head was turned towards this loud intruder, he was also observing the two new faces, a terrified petite blond who was surrounded by 2 of his brothers, and a curled up dirty me who staring up at his face in a dazed expression. 

Luckily, he was not too interested in me and only left his stare on me for a second, before turning his glare towards the blond teen. "Tch- so you're the noisy human who woke me up" he spit out with a tired voice, as if he had just woken up. 

Yui stared at him with fear in her eyes, "W-what? How?" she asked out with surprise and fear, while looking at the wall and the vampire's fist. 

"I ask the questions here. NOT you!" He yells back, as he slams his hands against the stair railing frustratingly. This made Yui straighten up in fright again, as if she was a deer in the headlights. 

Ahh my sweet sister looks so cute even though she's being frightened to death~ NO. What am I thinking? I slightly shake my head, getting rid of those thoughts. Even though I didn't want to admit it, the sadistic nature of the vampires that I've read so much about started to rub off on me.    

"I-I-" she starts to stutter out, but is interrupted by the annoyed vampire. "Tch- I'm not going to be here for half a day, listening to you trying to stutter out words. Just tell me why the fuck are you here?" he asks harshly while raising his voice with every word, making the already frightened blond start to shake even more, as her eyes started getting red and watery. 

Okay that was pretty mean Subaru, even for you. I think, while looking at the scene in front of me. Luckily, none of the brothers noticed the flash of interest that came into my eyes for a split second... At least that's what I thought. Unknown to me, 2 "people" were secretly observing my every expression. One "sleeping" Shu, and one silver haired butler concealed in the shadows. 

At this moment, Reiji once again has to interject, this time with a sharp clap. "Well, right before you rudely barged in, Miss. Yui was actually explaining her situation. So I would recommend you to stop creating such a scene and listen to her explanation carefully." He said while glaring at his youngest brother with an evil glint in his eyes. 

I felt a shiver creeping up my back, as the temperature felt as if it dropped into the negatives after his statement. Note to self- stay on Reiji's good side. Be a good little, behaving kid. 

This seemed to make the agitated vampire shut up, as he closed his eyes and leaned against the wall with an apparent hole on it. "Tch- then quickly spit it out and stop wasting my time," he mumbled out beneath his breath, making it barely audible. 

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