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Chapter 19! This one is half the length of an usual chapter... I procrastinated writing today! :(

I was distracted while writing this one, so there might be a lot of mistakes I didn't catch. Make sure you tell me! Anyways, enjoy.


As the brothers got out one at a time, the fan girls' screams could be heard getting louder progressively.

"Oh my god, Ayato have my babies!~"

"Kanato let me be your teddy bear~"

"Sleep with me Shu!" Oh- Someone's direct.

"Eek- Subaru look at me!"

"Reiji I've been a bad girl, I need some discipline!"

"Laito tie me up!"

Once all the boys were out, the fan girls noticed someone else coming.

"OMG is there another secret brother?!" They all looked at the car door with anticipation.

However, they were disappointed when a blond girl stepped out of the limousine.

"Ew, who's that bitch?!"

"Who's this slut? Laito, is this your new toy?!" One of the fans asked angrily.

Laito ignored the fan girl and instead, looked back at Yui with a smirk. No, he looked at the girl behind Yui, me.

What is that look?! I thought worryingly while getting ready to get off the car.

"There's another one?!" All the girls put their angry glare at me, before they were suddenly taken back.

"Why's there a kid in the Sakamaki's car?!"

"It must be that slut's! Already having a kid at such a young age, what a whore!" One of the fans accused, while pointing at Yui. Soon all the fans came to the same conclusion and looked at me like I was a bastard's child.

Imagine being so insecure that you take it out on a kid! Keep talking shit about big sis, and you'll be catching some hands. I puffed out a breath of air in anger, while trying to keep my face indifferent, so I don't start any unnecessary drama.

Yui was frightened by such a large crowd, and shrunk in her neck when she heard the insults.

Ayato tries to "comfort" her by wrapping his arms around her, and whispered in her ear. "Come on Pancake, hurry up the pace, we're about to be late."

This made her face blush up, and although she didn't want to admit it, she did feel comforted by his words. She shyly nodded as she hid her head in his shoulder.

This seemed to make the fans angrier, as their insults became more ugly and vocal. These people are psychos! I better stick close to the brothers. I thought while quickening my pace.

Their anger seemed to reach a tipping point when Ayato wrapped his arms around Yui's waist, making one fan take action.

"Stop trying to seduce Ayato, you sly, scheming fox!" The fan yelled out in jealousy as she ran towards Yui.

This made everyone in the crowd take action too, as hundreds of teenage girls ran towards the group of brothers.

The brothers furrowed their eyebrows, but they weren't too surprised, because this scene occurred every time they got a new sacrificial bride.

"Ayato, make sure you keep Miss. Yui in your sight. Laito, you do the same, but with Miss. Yuu," Reiji ordered out in annoyance. 'Tch- Annoying mortals.'

However, instead of listening to Reiji, Laito didn't come to my side, no- he decided to keep on walking forward, completely ignoring my existence.

Hey hey, we were so close in the car, what happened now?! Come back!

Before I could even shout out to him, I was swarmed by a stampede of legs, as the fans rushed towards Yui. Help!

As I was getting pushed back, the last view I saw of the brothers was Laito's back, as he turned his head around to give me a smirk, mouthing "good luck~" You bitch-

There was chaos everywhere, as the screeching and yelling from the girls deafened everyone's ears.

As I got pushed to the outer edge of the swarm, I managed to find the opportunity to escape the mash pit and separated myself from the girls. Phew~ Now I just need to wait it out-

As I just finished the thought, a loud ringing could be heard echoing off the walls of the school, making the brothers sigh out a breath of relief.

"You got lucky this time, bitch, I'll claw your face off next time!" One of the fans shouted before running inside the school building.

As more people rushed to class, the brothers noticed someone was missing. "Laito, where is the kid?!" Subaru asked harshly.

"I lost a grip on her~ Shy-chan will be fine though~" Laito responded casually, not really concerned.

Before they could start fighting, Reiji interrupted them. "Right now is not the time to argue. And Laito is right, Miss. Yuu is a smart girl, she'll be fine as long as she stays within the school's campus. Right now we need to head to class, so please follow Ayato to class, Miss. Yui." He stated while looking at Yui.

Yui noticed she was still attached to Ayato, but she didn't try to escape, one was because she couldn't, and the other, she liked being in his arms.

She nodded towards Reiji as Ayato dragged her off to class. Once those 2 left, the rest of the brothers went on their own separate ways.

The main entrance was now completely empty, as I was the only one standing there. Perfect, peace and quiet! I thought while skipping to the entrance.

Once I opened the front door of the school, and what greeted me was an empty hallway, meaning I was completely alone in an unfamiliar rich, private school.

Oh no.... Where do I go now?! I looked around at the clean, spotless hallways, while I walked forward into the unknown.

Unknowingly, a school doctor has been observing my every move by the time I got off the car. His eyes were deep, as if he was calculating and planning his next step, and how I would interfere with it.

'So this is the girl? Interesting.' He thought with narrowed eyes. 


Sorry for the short chapter. I'll see you guys tomorrow with a longer one >.<

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