Bathtub Thoughts

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Chapter 14! Another late chapter, though you guys are probably used to it already ;) Enjoy! Let me know if anything needs fixing 


My barefoot hit the cold marble floor, making me slightly shiver. Holy shit- This place is luxurious! 

The bathroom was about 3/4 as large as the bedroom. There was a marble counter top to my right, with a sink, toothbrush, and all the other necessities, just like a hotel. There was a large mirror right above it, allowing me to finally see what I look like. 

No wonder everyone looked disgusted- I look filthy! There were specs of dirt on my face, and my hair was matted with mud. The smell was even worse, I smelled like I just dived head first into a sewage plant. 

I then noticed the large marble bathtub behind me. It was like a private jacuzzi. And to the right of it was a glass paneled shower that could fit 2. Let's not waste any more time, and go get cleaned up!

I placed Ayato's clothes on the counter, before tuning my attention onto the bathtub. I went to the side of the tub, and turning the brass plated handles, turned on the water, checking that it was just the right temperature 

I left it running at low pressure, before I took off my clothes- more like peeled them off my body. I looked down at my naked body, slightly frowning. Why is she so skinny? And so pale too, I could be mistaken for a vampire! Seiji, we are gonna have a long talk once we meet... Don't tell me you starved this poor girl! 

I then walked over to the shower, pulled open the heavy glass door and adjusted the water temperature before walking in. I should first make sure all the dirt is off before going into the tub. 

I stepped into the warm falling water, making me relax every muscle in my body. Ah~ It's felt like an eternity since the last time I took a warm shower. I guess staying here won't be too bad, as long as I avoid those monsters. I get free food, free living space- I'm basically a freeloader! 

I soaked my short hair thoroughly, before lathering in the shampoo. While letting it sit on my head, I lathered my body with soap, before washing it all away. Watching all the filth go down the drain was oddly satisfying, and I stared at it for a good minute before snapping out of it. 

Ah let's not stay here for too long... I want to get into the bath! I thought before quickly washing out all the soap from my body and hair.  

I got out of the shower and quickly ran to the 3/4 filled bathtub, quickly finding a comfortable position and dozing off into my thoughts. 

This is still so surreal, I mean, imagine getting transported into an imaginary world. What happened if I died? Am I permanently dead? I don't know if I'm dead back in my world though... What if I got saved by an ambulance and is just in coma? Could I die and come back alive in my original world? What if- NO! Stop! Let's not try that, right now, I need to focus on "reality," even if it's not real. 

Currently some things are not matching up with the original game. New characters, plot, events... Could this be a parallel universe from the original game? Or are changes occurring because of my appearance? Why would it change though, was my existence not "supposed" to be in this world? What could that mean... 

I was deep in thought, while looking down at my small hands, which were submerged under the water. 

The biggest change right now is the butler. Although neither game nor anime gave any details about him, I'm 100% sure the current one was not supposed to be a butler... Especially not for the Sakamaki's, I mean they are supposed to be mortal enemies! How could such a big change in plot occur?!

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