Chapter 18 [NOT GUILTY]

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When I opened my eyes, I saw that the sun was already out. I can't remember when I fell asleep next to Melissa last night. She's such a nice person. I still don't understand how you can be extremely nice to a total stranger.


When Xavier and I got married. I thought that life was going to be easy. I never imagined that one day, I would wake up Xavier wouldn't love me as much as he did in the beginning. Now, a year into the marriage and he comes home at midnight and leaves before the crack of dawn. He doesn't touch or eat my food. He doesn't talk to me. He brings different girls into our house and even worse, into our matrimonial bed and fuck them right next to me. I've confronted him about it but it always ends up with me being bitten, sometimes, to a pulp.

One day he didn't go to work. So I decided to prepare lunch for him and take it to his home office. I cooked a very delicious meal. I had it in my heart that this meal was going to bring back the peace and love that was once part of our marriage. You might ask what an ordinary meal can do, but this isn't just any meal, it was his favorite meal. I made the recipe from scratch. No one, not even his mother can cook this meal as good as I can. I know this because she has tried so many times but she failed. I placed the food on a tray, together with a glass of strawberry, blended juice mixed with chocolate and a glass of water. I carried the tray and went upstairs to where his office was. When I got to his office door, there was some music, it wasn't too loud. It was actually loud enough to block someone from hearing what's going on inside his office. I placed the tray on a cupboard that was on the opposite side of his office. It contained flower pots and framed photos of Xavier and I. I opened the door slightly without looking inside and then turned around to pick up the tray. I entered his office with my back facing Xavier. I then closed the door with my foot. I then turned around to look at him with a smile plastered on my face. But my smile dropped the minute my eyes landed on the scene infront of me. I couldn't believe what the I just saw. Veronica was completely naked. She was seated on Xavier's lap facing him. From her up and down movement, I could tell that she was riding him. I confirmed this when I saw Xavier's pants on the floor. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe, I was stuck. When Veronica noticed my presence, she got off him and started to walk to my direction. She then slapped the tray that I was carrying and everything fell down. The plates and the glasses broke. I didn't even flinch. "As you can see, Xavier has already eaten his lunch. He doesn't need this garbage you brought." She gave me a fake smile and walked over to where Xavier's wine cellar was. She picked up a bottle and two glasses. She poured the wine into the glasses and walked over to Xavier's desk and sat on his lap again. "If you are done you can go,and don't forget to close the door behind you. Unless you want to stand there and watch" Xavier's voice pulled me out of my trance. I didn't even say a word. I turned around and walked out of the door tears flowing from my eyes and I didn't bother to wipe them.


I was brought back to reality by the cell doors opening. Two cops came in and handcuffed me. Melissa hugged me and whispered that everything is going to be fine. I smiled at her and nodded. They took me out of the cell and locked it. One cop led the way and the other one was behind me. He then opened the door that led to the courtroom. I immediately spotted Mr Winters and Sir Barnie. They gave me a soft smile just to assure me that everything is going to be fine. I didn't bother to look at where Xavier and Veronica were seated. Instead, I averted my gaze on to something else.
A few minutes later, the Bailiff told the court to rise as the judge entered. When the judge settled down, everyone else did. Xavier's lawyer stood up and presented his case and the evidence that he had. He presented my YSL earring that had my DNA. How the earring left my room was beyond me. That didn't shock me though. What shocked me to the core was a CCTV footage of a lady dressed up in a black hoodie and black sweatpants and black converse shoes entering Xavier's private parking lot. She Placed a black box on the floor and walked outside. The girl had long black hair, exactly like mine, but if you look keenly you'd notice that her hair was way shorter than mine. There's no way that girl looks like me. She's shorter and thinner than me. I am curvy and she's not. She walks like a model when I don't. I scoffed, loudly and shook my head. I think everyone else saw what I saw apart from the judge because he bought that. They also hired three witnesses to testify against me. According to them, they saw a girl walking out of the parking lot. They all said the same thing like they had rehearsed it. He had perfectly planned this. On my side, no one was there to testify that I was at home at that time. Natalie had supposedly gone to India for her medical checkup and the maid went to attend to her sick son in Columbia. That was really strange. I was charged with first degree murder and felony. I pleaded not guilty. The trial date was set for next week on Friday. I was told to remain in police custody.


Thank y'all for reading this chapter ❤️

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