Chapter 23 [BULLIES]

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We had already been transported from the police station and now, we were entering into the gates of the Women's Correction Center. In the transportation vehicle, we were like one hundred and fifty women. Everyone was silent during the whole trip.

When we alighted, we were instructed to line up in two straight lines. We were given an orange overall, a black hoodie,a pair of black rubber shoes, a pair of red slippers, two brown towels, blue pyjamas, toothbrush and toothpaste, two blankets and a pillow. We were then taken to the open bathrooms and instructed to take a shower and wear the uniforms.

We were then led to the cells. There was so much noise. People were fighting, others were arguing, others were story telling while others were asleep. My cell was on the furthest corner. The cell had a bed, a toilet seat and a sink. I placed everything on the bed. I sat on the edge of the bed and started to look at the walls. They were surprisingly clean.

Hours later, the cells were opened and we were told to go to the hall and have lunch. We walked to the hall and it was big. People were staring at me and I didn't understand why. Ignoring the stares and whispers, I took a plastic plate and a spoon from the back of the line. I was served corn, wheat bread, an apple, bottled water, meat loaf, mashed potatoes and gravy.

I didn't want to eat so I took the apple and the water.I walked over to the bin and disposed the food. I looked around to see if I could see a sink. I spotted it outside the hall. I walked over to the sink and rinsed my plate. When I was done, I walked back to the hall. "Yow new girl, stop right there" I heard someone behind me saying. I turned around and to see if I was the one being called. I saw a tall guard, probably 6'5 walking to my direction. She had broad shoulders and chest and you could see the muscles showing from her uniform. She had blond hair that had gold specs. She had tied her hair up in a low bun.

"Who gave you the permission to throw food?" She asked with a deep harsh tone.

"Do I need permission for that?" I asked her and she scoffed.

" Listen princess, don't talk unless I tell you to or else..." I cut her short "or else what? What will you do? Beat me up?" I asked her. My voice was full of anger.

She just shook her head and said, " feisty, I see. I'd enjoy breaking you" I just looked at her. "Is this high school or what? I never expected to be bullied in prison, not even by a warden. I'm not  in the mood for this." I walked out in her. I have never had patience for bullies.

I went into the hall and sat on an empty bench. I was already getting sick of the stared and whispers that were coming from across the room. I ate my apple in silence.

Minutes later, the guard that approached me earlier walked into the hall. She was accompanied by two guards who were walking behind her. They looked like the clichè bullies of highschool. I saw her looking at me. I looked away and focused my gaze on something else.

My mind had drifted off to something else. I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I looked up to see a girl with red hair. She had shaved her hair on the sides and the back. He sides were full of tattoos. She had a snake tattoo that went from her neck all the way up to the left side of her face.

"Hey Crystal, can I seat with you?" She smiled at me softly and I nodded. "How do you know my name?" I asked her. "Well I once saw your picture on tabloids when your parents handed over the company to you" I now understood why everyone was looking at me like that.

They saw thee Crystal Danford. Daughter of billionaire Mr and Mrs Danford. "I see" was my only response.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"Savannah Humphrey, but you can call me Sav" she said.

"Nice to meet you Sav" I smiled.

" Pleasure is all mine Crystie" she took a bite of her apple.

We were later on told to go hang out outside the free zone. People were seated in cliques. There were those who were doing bible study in their section, there were others who were playing poker, others were working out, others were story telling.

Sav and I walked to a private place. We sat at the bench and started to small talk. Since it was on a Saturday, we were allowed to lazy around and do whatever we wanted.

Sav is a whole vibe. She was a tattoo artist and an underground boxing champion. She doesn't even look it. I was surprised to find out that she was sentenced to 10 years because she was tattooing a girl who she came to find out was her boyfriend's side chick during the session. She was doing a spine tattoo. She injured her and the girl sued her. She doesn't even regret it. She's too funny for her own good.

Hours later, the warden walked to our direction with her two puppets following her. They stopped infront of us but we ignored them. From what Sav told me, the warden's name was Kristina and her puppets were Violet and Victoria. They were twins but not identical. "We've come for your tax" Kristina said. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Tax? What tax? "What do you you've come for my tax?" I asked her. "Hasn't your new friend told? You see princess, around here, we pay a monthly tax" she said boldly. "What does the tax cater for?" I asked her and I could tell that she was getting impatient and annoyed. "Stop asking me stupid questions. I'm giving you two weeks to come up with 200 bucks or else you won't be enjoying your stay here." She walked out just when I was about to ask her where I'll get the money from.


Thank y'all for reading this chapter ❤️

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