Chapter 43[HAPPINESS]

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                          CRYSTAL'S POV

I can't explain how happy I am. God did not bless me with one child, He blessed me with two. I am going to be a mother of twins. I can't wait. I have never ever in my life been so happy. I wasn't this happy when I earned my first car. People always thought that since my parents were rich, I got everything on a silver platter but no, I had to work hard and prove to my parents that I was responsible enough to own certain things. I wasn't  this happy when I bought my first house. This type of happiness cannot be equated to anything in the world.

"I will give you a recording of the ultrasound. Otherwise, your kids are healthy and strong enough. Their length from crown to rump is 3 1/2 inches each and they each weigh 11/2 ounces . They are as healthy as they could be. Now all I need you to do is eat a balance diet, get enough rest and stay away as far as possible from stress. I'll write down a food timetable for you before you leave the hospital." Doctor Syd said. She wrote something on her clipboard. "That will be all for now." She left the room. I was now facing a squealing Ares. I could tell that she was happy. You could literally think that she was the pregnant one. She came closer to me and hugged me tightly. I was so happy to have her in my life and in this room with me.

"Look at you, all grown up and a mother to be. You'll be a great mom. I am sure that your parents are extremely proud of you" Sir Barnie said. He kissed me on my forehead and left to answer a phone call. He left me thinking about what he said. Are mom and dad really proud of me? I am going to be a single mother. Is that something to be proud of? I am proud of being a mother. My kids are going to be my biggest treasure and if no one is proud of me, I am proud of myself. I pushed those thoughts away and focused on my tummy. God has trusted me with this precious gift and I am not going to ruin it. I am going to protect my children with my life.

Lorenzo came with a wheelchair and helped me out of the bed. He wheeled me to the recovery room. "Thank you so much Lorenzo for everything that you are doing for me. I really appreciate it" I said.

He helped me to climb on to the bed and I held his hand. "You don't have to thank me Crystal. You know that I'll always be here for you."

He said and I knew that he was genuine about it. He has always been there for me and I never noticed. I treated him badly in the past and I never got the chance to apologize to him. I feel so bad and worst of all, I don't know how to start apologizing.  I sat on the bed and he fixed my pillow. He then left to buy some food and clothes. 

I didn't realize that Ares had left too. I sat there and begin to think. When I get discharged, where will I go? I can't go back to leave with Sir Barnie. I have to move on. But where will I start?  I don't have a job, I don't even have a house. What will I do? I want to start things all over again. I want to make things better for myself and my unborn kids. I can't depend on anyone. I can't even count on the wealth my great grandparents left me, the files are missing and Lewis is no where to be found. Maybe I could just go back to Noisy and ask Mr Bolodenka if I can continue working there. I just hope that he'll accept.

I heard someone clearing his throat. I turned around and I came face to face with the one and only Scarlet and Mr Bolodenka. I wasn't expecting to see them immediately after I was just thinking about them. This is so weird.

"We heard what happened to you. We are so sorry. We brought you these" 

Scarlet was holding a red gift bag and Mr Bolodenka was holding up a gift basket. "We hope the you are going to get well soon and also congratulations on your baby. News travels fast"
Mr Bolodenka said with his Russian accent.

I couldn't help but smile. This is so sweet. We've not known each other for very long but they took their time to come here and visit me. I don't take it for granted at all.  "Thank you both so much. I really appreciate it" I said and they sat down on the plastic chairs.

"So how are you doing?" Scarlet asked.

"am doing great. How about you?"  She smiled and looked at Mr Bolodenka.

Are they like dating? Well that's not my business, I am just happy to see them here.  "Oh and I love your dress,  you look amazing" I complemented her because it was getting awkward with them looking at each other like that. 

She looked at me with a grin. " Thank you. My sister bought it when she was on vacation in Thailand." We chatted a little bit and then Ares and Lorenzo walked in.

"Do you mind introducing us missy" Ares said and I chuckled. "This is Ares, my best friend, Ares, meet Scarlet and Mr Bolodenka. I used to work at his club and Scarlet is my workmate and this is Lorenzo, my strong support system. " they both shook hands. Ares immediately clicked with Scarlet and Lorenzo is talking business with Mr Bolodenka. They already made a deal. I can't believe how amazing these guys are when it comes to interacting with people. Me on the other hand, I can't really make friends that first.


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