Chapter 39 [SOME HOPE?]

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Xavier bolted to his office. He turned on his computer and searched for the folder that contained the videos that he received two years ago. He sat down on his desk and opened the folder. He clicked on the first video his eyes landed on. When the video started playing, he focused on the girl. His eyes landed on something. A red lips tattoo on the right butt cheek. It dawned on him that Crystal didn't have any tattoos. He knew now that he had fucked up pretty bad. He had ruined everything. He placed his elbows on the desk and held his head. He couldn't believe what he was discovering right now. He didn't know whether to scream or cry. He was glad that Crystal was loyal to him. But his heart was broken by what he had done to her. He showed her hell when she didn't deserve it. All this time, she was innocent. He felt miserable. He took the gun from his desk and pointed it on his head. He wanted to end his life. Guilt was eating him up. He wanted so badly to pull the trigger but something stopped him. He remembered that Crystal was pregnant with his child. He was going to be a father. He also remembered the deal he had with Zagan. He took his leather jacket and the keys to his motorcycle. He wore his helmet and took off to where they had agreed to meet.

Mr Daniel found some interesting information. The bullets that were found in the Crystals parents belonged to Xavier. His gun was registered. So he joined the dots and come to a conclusion. Either Xavier killed Crystals parents or someone used his gun. He was working with a police man who was his son in law. He was grateful now more than ever to have a son in law who could help him with such situations. Slowly but surely, he was uncovering things that were perfectly hidden. He lived by one quote, small mistakes lead to big consequences and Xavier has made so many small mistakes. Now, he has bigger consequences to face. He had presented everything to a judge and he was given an arrest warrant. He was doing more than a lawyer should be doing but he loved his job dearly and he was extremely good at it. The only thing that was missing was Lewis Winters. He didn't know where to start looking for him.

When Mr Daniel and the police officers got to Xavier's house, everything from the gate to the garage and even the main house was unlocked. They entered into the house to look for him but he wasn't there. They found a dead body instead.

Lorenzo was beyond shaken by the new information that Mr Daniel was giving them. He only hoped that Crystal could wake up from the coma so that he could fill her in on everything that had happened. He also hoped that the police could arrest Xavier for all the things he had done.

The private investigator that was hired by Sir Barnie had just gotten to India. He had no leads yet. His worries were increasing by the minute. Even his sons had noticed that their mother hasn't been available. They had very weird theories but he knew better than to listen to them. They wanted to go down to India to look for their mother but he insisted that she would be back soon but he knew that this was a flat lie. Sir Barnie was worried about something else. He had expected that since Crystal was now in a coma, Zagan would show up and bring forth his demands. But that hadn't happened yet. Sir Barnie knew that since he hasn't shown up yet, he wanted something big and he didn't know if they were prepared for him.

Zagan was finally happy to hear that Veronica was dead. He wanted to get rid of her the very minute she married Xavier. She had gone against their plan. He wasn't going to allow that from happening. He knew that Xavier would meet him anytime soon. He was so desperate to see his child and he was going to use his desperation to his advantage. He had gotten rid of one person, three more to go.

Suddenly, when Lorenzo, Ares and Sir Barnie were in Crystal's room, the monitor started to beep and the lines on the screen started to flatten. They all panicked and called the doctor. When the doctor came flooding in with so many nurses and equipments, they were asked to wait outside. All of them had the same feeling in their hearts. It was like they all felt like they were going to loose Crystal. Ares decided to go out to the nearest church to light up a candle and pray for her best friend. Lorenzo sat on the waiting bench pressing his fingers and rubbing his hair. He couldn't help but get worried. He had always had feelings for her but he couldn't tell her. There was always a barrier that block him from confessing his feelings to her.

Sir Barnie on the other hand felt like he was about to loose a daughter. He had always seen her as her only daughter. Deep down, Sir Barnie felt like Crystal reminded her of someone but he couldn't quite remember who it was. He felt a certain type of connection to her and he wasn't ready to loose that. The bench had become small and couldn't contain him anymore so he stood up. He started pacing around waiting for the doctors to come outside and say something but they didn't. He had already lost his best friend, Crystal's dad and he didn't want to loose Crystal.


Thanks for reading this chapter ❤️

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