Chapter 32 [I WON'T GIVE UP]

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               CRYSTAL'S POV

Today is on Monday and Kristina is back. I am going to avoid her at all costs. I don't want to put my child at risk. I have noticed that Savannah has been avoiding everyone lately. She stays in her cell and doesn't talk to anyone, me included. I have a strange feeling that she had something to do with the disappearance of Daisy.

I pushed those thoughts away and took my breakfast. I saw Kristina walking into the hall. I stood up and walked out of the hall from the back door. I went back to my cell and asked the warden to lock it up.

Hours later, I heard some voices coming from outside my cell. It sounded like people were drilling something. I tried to peep but I couldn't see anything. I pushed the cell door and lucky for me it wasn't locked. I got out and walked to where the noise was coming from.

What I saw was beyond my imagination. Kristina and her puppets together with two girls who were not  wearing  the prison uniforms were busy with a drilling machine making a hole. It was an escape hole for that matter. I couldn't believe it. Kristina was helping two prisoners escape?! This was unbelievable. But I am not surprised, if Kristina was capable of killing people in the prison and get away with it, what can't she do? The previous me who didn't care about the child in her womb would have stopped them but now I just decide to mind my own business and go back to my cell and pretend that I didn't see anything.

I couldn't sleep because of the noise coming from the drill. I decided to just sit on my bed and think of the future my child will have. I want a to have a baby girl but if God decides to give me a baby boy, I'll love him the same. I haven't decided on their names yet but for the girl, I'll definitely call her Star, because that's what she is. And if God decides to bless me with a boy, I'll call him Lion. A king. Not just any king, a fearless king.

Ares told me that she is going to organize with the nurse in the prison to see if I can have an ultrasound. I would love to see my child and I can't wait.

My thoughts were brought back to reality when I heard Kristina calling me. I looked up and saw her and her puppets looking at me. "Who told you that you could stay in the cells at this time?"

I didn't want any trouble so I just stood up and picked my hoodie. "I'll be out in a minute"

I wore my rubber shoes and then my hoodie. When I was about to leave the two puppets grabbed me and I stopped. The turned me around and I was facing Kristina.  They held me on both hands and I didn't like where this was going. 

"I heard that little princess here wanted to have an abortion, I might just help you with that"

I wasn't expecting her to say that. "W-what are you talking about Kristina?"

  She let out a hysterical laughter that was annoying. 

"Wait and see" I couldn't comprehend what she meant but it scared the shit out of me.

"You've been a bad girl Crystal. A very bad girl and today, I am going to punish you."

She then kicked my stomach and I felt like my world had stopped. I fell down and brought my knees to my stomach to protect my child.

"No Kristina please, don't hurt my baby, please am begging you. I won't stand up to you ever again, please don't hurt my baby"

She ignored me and started to kick me everywhere. Her puppets joined in and they started kicking me as well. All that I could think of was protecting my child. 

They continued kicking me until I was out of breath. I saw myself getting closer to darkness. My eyes were already blurry from the crying. My throat was dry from the screaming and begging. I tried to keep my eyes open. I didn't want to give up yet. I want to be awake and make sure that my baby is okay. 

I didn't realize that they had stopped. "Do you think she's dead?" I heard someone saying

"shut up, I don't care whether she's dead or not. That will teach her not to stick her nose in my business ever again" then I heard footsteps.

I tried to move but every single part of my body felt so heavy. I couldn't move my head, I couldn't move my legs, I couldn't move my hands. I had no strength left. But I am not going to give up. Not now. 

I kept my eyes open waiting for someone to come and help me.

"Oh my God! Someone call go tell the guards to call an ambulance." I heard someone saying followed by footstep which where nearing in my direction.

"Stay with me Crystal, they'll call an ambulance" I heard a voice saying. It was about time someone came.

"breath Crystal, breath" I tried to do what she said but I ended up coughing. I tried again and this time it worked.

I waited for the ambulance to get here so that I can know that I am in safe hands. I hear voices and so many footsteps. I felt my body being lifted up from the ground.

"She had lost a lot of blood, we need to stabilize her."  I knew that I was now in safer hands. The doctors are going to make sure my baby survive this.

Please God, don't let anything happen to my child.   I decided to close my eyes and get some rest. I hope that when I wake up, my child will be alright.


This chapter gave me chills though. When she had finally accepted the child, this happens. Let's just hope that the child will be okay.

Thanks for reading this chapter ❤️

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