Chapter 2: Banishment & Flashbacks

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Max's POV-

"20 minutes"

"20 minutes? What do you mean?" I asked, although I knew what was coming.

"20 minutes, meaning that's how much time you have to get any personal items and supplies you need, and then to get the fuck out of here!" my father spat. "I Jefferson Leo Lavellen, current First Enchanter of the Lavellen Mage Clan, herby banish you, Maxwell James Lavellen from this clan and also strip you of your rank. I don't want my faggot of a son to lead my clan!" While all of this was going on, his eyes were glowing gold. "If you ever step foot in MY lands again, I will personally strip you of your magic, take away any magical objects in your possession, and I will also destroy your staff. Do I make myself clear?"

I just stood there, frozen, in utter shock. The man who I had called my father was kicking me out of the clan just for being gay!? Honestly, I was expecting this, but it still crushed me. I fought back any tears that threatened to leak from my eyes. I didn't want my fath- no the First Enchanter, see me as weak.

"Do I make myself clear!?" he shouted again. I took a deep breath, and looked at him definitely.

"Crystal", I replied, bluntly. He gave me the death glare, sensing my sassines in my voice.

"Your 20 minutes starts now!" he barked.

I sighed and teleported to my room in a puff of white smoke. I quickly made a duffel bag appear on my bed, enchanted it to have unlimited space, then carried it to my closet, stuffing as many clothes as I needed into the bag. I then went into my bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste. Since I have magic, I would just use it to keep myself clean. I sped back to my room and began to pack any herbs or potions that I might need, and grabbed my royal blue sleeping bag. I then went to my nightstand and picked up a picture of me and my mother. I sighed.

"If she was still here, she would have reasoned with him", I whispered. It took all of me to not start crying right then and there. My mom and I were close, closer than me and my da- the First Enchanter, ever was. She was the person who I came out as gay to, and she accepted me. She kept it from da- the Keeper because she knew he was homophobic. The picture I was holding was from her 35th birthday, which was a little over 2 years ago. It was taken a month before she died, and I wish that day never happened.

Flashback- 2 years ago:

"I've always wondered how nature could be so beautiful", I said while looking around the clearing.

"We have Tunare to thank for that", my mother replied. We were currently in a small clearing in the forest, taking a break from walking. The small open space was breath taking to say the least. It had a small sparkling blue pond in the center, with a singular oak tree beside it. A small bench was in the shade of the tree, so that anyone could sit down and take in the beauty of nature.

"Well she is the Goddess of Nature, so that makes sense", I said. My mom and I always took walks together in the forest, especially when dad was meeting with First Enchanters from different clans. We would come out here to pass the time, and just talk. It was nice, and I never took it for granted. But today was different. My mom had asked me to come with her on this walk because she said she had a surprise for me.

"So what was this surprise you told me about?" I asked, not being able to contain my eagerness any longer. She laughed and held out her hand, and with a tiny POP, a small box appeared in her palm. She placed it into my hand with an excited expression on her face.

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