Chapter 23: Formulas & Drawings

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Max's POV-

Considering that it was 2am, you would think that I would be in bed, snuggled up to Lucas and listening to his small snores as they lulled me to sleep along with his heartbeat. Nope, not tonight. After Lucas had fallen asleep, I felt unusually restless. Not feeling at all tired, and needing something to do, I carefully snuck out of bed and went to my alchemy room to work on the potion. It was almost perfected, but there was still one problem. The amount of silver that needs to be added to the formula. By adding too little silver, the potion won't heal injuries from it. If I add too much, it will override the potions effects, causing it to become a deadly poison. I obviously did not want either of those things to happen.

Sighing, I added the powdered silver, only adding a teaspoon of it into the mixture. The potion bubbled up, then fizzed out. Damn it, it didn't work! I added too much silver!

Snatching another vial, I added spindleweed, elfroot, and wolfsbane to the vial by putting small leaves of each. Five elfroot leaves, three spindleweed leaves, and four wolfsbane leaves. I concentrated on the ingredients and magically liquefied them, then I swirled the liquid to mix it together. This time, I added only half a teaspoon of silver. This time, the potion bubbled, but it let out small streams of silver smoke, and the liquid in the vial turned into a violet-red color. I smiled, with both victory and exhaustion. I put a cork in the vial and sat it on my potion station. The potion was finally ready! All I needed to do now was tell Lucas and the pack. Deciding to tell them after I wake up, I turned the light off in the room and quietly went back to bed. I carefully climbed into bed and snuggled up to Lucas's chest, and his strong arms instinctively wrapped around me, even while he slept, making me feel warm, safe, and protected. I snuggled closer to him, and I was sleeping not even a minute later.


8:44 am-

"Wake up! Wake up!", a child's voice rang through my ears. I sat up but I was slow due to the lack of sleep I got. When my vision cleared, I could see Mason, sitting right in front of me on the bed, and he had a huge grin on his face. "It's time to get up! No more sleeping!" I gave the boy a puzzled look.

"Why are you in here yelling at me to wake up?" I asked, my voice sounding sleep deprived. Mason only grinned and pointed to the door. I looked up to see Lucas at the door, leaning up against the frame, his arms crossed, and he had a mischievous grin on his face.

"He told me to do it!" Mason blamed, happily. I sent Lucas a death glare, and his grin was replaced with the "Oh shit!" look.

"No kisses for an hour!" I declared. Lucas pouted, putting on his best drama queen face.

"You're so cruel!!" he whined. "Why can't I have my kisses?!" I grinned wickedly at him.

"Maybe next time, don't encourage Mason to shout at me to wake up, and you'll still get kisses", I said, teasingly. Lucas only pouted again, but I chuckled and got out of bed. "Now, who wants breakfast?" Before I could move an inch, Lucas and Mason were at the island waiting for me, making me mumble "Damn, they must be starving to move that fast."

Shaking my head in amusement, I walked out of the bedroom and stood on the other side of the island.

"What are you two in the mood for?" I asked. It was like talking to a circus, as both of them were yelling suggestions at me at the same time. Mason would shout pancakes, while Lucas would shout eggs. After a minute of this I started to get a headache, so I gave up and decided to make cinnamon rolls. They sounded good, and besides, neither of them had yelled that at me yet. But with all of the chaos this morning called my mate and future child, and me being tired as shit, I just conjured three, giant, freshly backed cinnamon rolls out of thin air. Cooking just didn't seem appealing to me right now.

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